Higher-order brain function and consciousness
7月28日(日)9:45~10:00 第9会場(朱鷺メッセ 3F 306+307)
サル前頭連合野外側部(10野, 46野, 8野)の機能的差異
Kei Watanabe(渡邉 慶)1,Masayuki Hirata(平田 雅之)2,Takafumi Suzuki(鈴木 隆文)3
3情報通信研究機構 脳情報通信融合研究センター

The lateral prefrontal cortex (LPFC) plays essential roles in cognition. In macaque, LPFC occupies large cortical areas anterior to the arcuate sulcus, and dorsal and ventral to the principal sulcus (PS). Despite many decades of research, functional differentiation within LPFC remains largely unknown. In monkeys, few attempts have been made to characterize neural activities in the anterior part of LPFC including frontopolar PFC (FP-PFC). In humans, a popular hypothesis postulated that there is a functional gradient along the anterior-posterior axis in LPFC, based on the level of action control or the abstractness of task-relevant rules. This hypothesis argues that the more anterior regions process more abstract and complex information, while more posterior regions process more concrete action information. At the apex of this hierarchy, FP-PFC participates in the parallel processing of multiple goals (cognitive branching). Nevertheless, this claim has recently been challenged by opposing evidence.
In this study, we examined functional differentiation in macaque LPFC throughout its anterior-posterior extent. We recorded over 3000 neurons in areas 10, 46 and 8 in three monkeys while they performed 8 different tasks: (1) visual flash observation; (2) reward consumption; (3) visually-guided saccade task; (4) oculomotor delayed-response task; (5) visuospatial attention task; (6) cognitive branching task comprised of tasks 3 and 4; (7) visual object discrimination (rapid learning) task, and (8) cognitive branching task comprised of tasks 4 and 7.The result showed that task-relevant activity was almost exclusively observed in the posterior LPFC, while anterior region (FP-PFC and anterior area 46) showed much weaker responses to the task events. Notably, few neurons in FP-PFC showed task-related activity even in cognitive branching tasks (tasks 6 and 8) and rapid-learning task (task 7) that were believed to selectively activate this area. Our data show that FP-PFC exhibited notable activity only in feedback time and this was consistent across different tasks: FP-PFC neurons retrospectively encoded the conjunction of what the subject did and whether or not that behavior was preferable in the trial just finished. Thus, our data suggest that there is distinct functional subdivision along the anterior-posterior axis of LPFC in monkey, but in a different way from that proposed by the original functional gradient hypotheses in humans.
7月28日(日)10:00~10:15 第9会場(朱鷺メッセ 3F 306+307)
Yumi Shikauchi(鹿内 友美)1,Keiichi Kitajo(北城 圭一)1,2,3
1理研CBS トヨタ連携セ

People memorize various information unintentionally. Many studies have explored incidental memory systems. Little of them, however, have addressed which items people specifically memorize. In the present study, we test the hypothesis that the temporal order of appearance of stimuli modulates memorability. Specifically, we examined the contributions of surprise during encoding to subsequent memory recognition using Bayesian surprise model and electroencephalography (EEG). We presented twenty-two participants with multiple trains of four tones. Participants were required to respond to it whether each train of tones is an upward tendency or a downward tendency. There were no explicit motivation or instructions to remember any of the tone sets. Immediate after the encoding sessions, unannounced recognition tests were administered. To relate incidental memory to spontaneous mental processing, we performed computational single-trial modeling of the surprise that reflects the order of appearance during the encoding sessions. We found that performances of the trend judgment in encoding were unrelated to performances of memory recognition. While the trials with largest surprise leads to higher confidence in the trend judgment task, the largest surprise related to misrecognition in the recognition test. Further, the trials next to the largest surprise related to correct recognition. Additionally, during encoding trials with smaller surprise, enhanced poststimulus theta oscillations were observed in fronto-parietal regions, compared to those with larger surprise. Our results support the Bayesian surprise model of incidental memory that modulates performances of subsequent recognition tests to reflect temporal-order-dependent memory processing.
7月28日(日)10:15~10:30 第9会場(朱鷺メッセ 3F 306+307)
ERP components as possible markers of cognitive transfer induced by working memory training
Lukasz Warchol(Warchol Lukasz),Hanna Bartosz(Bartosz Hanna),Ludmila Zajac-Lamparska(Zajac-Lamparska Ludmila),Janusz Trempala(Trempala Janusz)
Kazimierz Wielki University, Poland

In the speech we will present the results of an analysis of the effects of 8-week intensive computerized working memory training on two well-studied EEG correlates of cognitive functioning, namely N2 and P3. The aim is to study the electrophysiological markers of cognitive transfer from working memory training onto other executive functioning domains.
To achieve that, we performed EEG recordings during a) a training task and b) a task that engaged similar cognitive functions but was not trained. The data included in the analysis come from 45 subjects that were divided into two groups: experimental and passive control. In the analysis we aim to present, the training task was a single n-back task, and the untrained task that was used to measure cognitive transfer was a go/no-go task. Both tasks were based on a single-letter presentation in the middle of the screen with identical presentation time and inter-stimulus interval. In the presentation will comment on our findings from the EEG data recorded during both the training task - n-back, as well as a control task for executive attention - go/no-go task.
At baseline (T1), all subjects went through a neuropsychological assessment and performed the n-back and go/no-go tasks. Afterwards, a random sample took part in an adaptive working memory training based on the n-back paradigm that consisted of 10 sessions, about 25 minutes each. The other group did not engage in any experimental procedures during that time. After two weeks (T2), which marked the middle of the training period, all subjects were invited for another recording of the same type as at baseline, and another one at the end of the training/waiting period of overall four weeks (T3).
The studied parameters of the investigated ERP components included peak latency and amplitude, as well as their time-frequency analysis. We will present a statistical analysis of inter-group differences at T1, T2, and T3 both in regard to behavioral and electrophysiological data, as well as the correlations between them to answer the question whether the working memory updating training induced more general changes in cognitive processes that are not limited to the training task, but expand onto other executive functioning domains.
7月28日(日)10:30~10:45 第9会場(朱鷺メッセ 3F 306+307)
Jumpei Togawa(十川 純平)1,2,Riki Matsumoto(松本 理器)3,Morito Inouchi(井内 盛遠)4,5,Masao Matsuhashi(松橋 眞生)5,Kiyohide Usami(宇佐美 清英)5,6,Katsuya Kobayashi(小林 勝哉)1,7,Takefumi Hitomi(人見 健文)8,Takuro Nakae(中江 卓郎)9,10,Takayuki Kikuchi(菊池 隆幸)10,Kazumichi Yoshida(吉田 和道)10,Takeharu Kunieda(國枝 武治)11,Susumu Miyamoto(宮本 享)10,Ryosuke Takahashi(高橋 良輔)1,Akio Ikeda(池田 昭夫)5
3神戸大院 内科学講座神経内科学
7Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, United States

Understanding the neuronal mechanisms of human consciousness is challenging. It is considered useful to study human sleep and dreaming during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep in particular. We investigated whether information processing is enhanced in the posterior cortical region during wakefulness and REM sleep using human electrocorticography (ECoG).
Eleven Japanese patients (female: four) who underwent chronic subdural electrode implantation for presurgical evaluation of intractable partial epilepsy were recruited (IRB No.R0603). ECoG was recorded through at least one night and data from a total of 535 electrodes were analyzed. We assessed phase amplitude coupling (PAC), and calculated PAC strength (PAC-Z) over ranges of slow wave and fast activity frequencies, and performed anatomical region of interest (ROI) and power analyses.
For ROI analysis, frontal and posterior ROIs were defined anatomically. While PAC-Z was high over a large area of the brain during slow wave sleep (SWS), it was particularly stronger in the posterior ROI than in the frontal ROI during REM sleep (p = 0.0002). When limited to the 'core' ROIs that showed remarkable PAC-Z during sleep, PAC-Z was also significantly higher in the core posterior ROI than in the core frontal ROI during wakefulness (p = 0.0054). Slow wave power was significantly higher in the posterior ROI than the frontal ROI during SWS (p = 0.00151) and REM sleep (p = 0.00153). No significant difference was observed in fast activity power between the two ROIs.
PAC is thought to have an important role in information processing in the brain, therefore our findings suggest that the posterior region has a common functional role in wakefulness and REM sleep and may contribute to the maintenance of conscious experience.