2022年7月1日 8:00~8:50 沖縄コンベンションセンター 会議場B1 第3会場
座長:吉本 潤一郎(奈良先端科学技術大学院大学)

Information theoretical approaches to model synaptic plasticity
*豊泉 太郎(1)
1. 理化学研究所 脳神経科学研究センター
*Taro Toyoizumi(1)
1. RIKEN Center for Brain Science

Keyword: synaptic plasticity, information theory, memory consolidation, progressive interpretation

We adaptively change our behavior in an experience-dependent manner to survive in the environment. Activity-dependent synaptic plasticity in neural circuits is considered a major mechanism underlying such adaptive behavior. In this talk, I introduce a top-down approach to model synaptic plasticity. Namely, given that the brain is an information processing organ, I assume that synaptic plasticity mechanisms have evolved to transmit information across synapses efficiently. This theory can reproduce experimental observations and find useful information representation. First, this theory explains distinct synaptic plasticity outcomes observed in up and down states during non-rapid eye movement sleep and how memory consolidation might depend on the spatial scale of slow waves. Second, the theory suggests a way to identify hidden independent sources behind sensory scenes. I show that it is possible to reconstruct even nonlinearly mixed sources underlying sensory inputs when sufficiently high dimensional sensors are available. Finally, I argue that independent information channels can synthesize interpretation of artificial neural network operations by displaying which information for previous tasks is used to solve a new task.
2022年7月1日 8:00~8:50 沖縄コンベンションセンター 会議場B5~7 第4会場
座長:照沼 美穂(新潟大学大学院医歯学総合研究科)

Molecular mechanism of the central nervous system regeneration

*村松 里衣子(1)
1. 国立精神・神経医療研究センター神経研究所
*Rieko Muramatsu(1)
1. Nat Inst Neurosci, NCNP

Keyword: Aging, Brain, White matter

Central nervous system (CNS) inflammation leads to the disruption of intricate neural networks, causing deficits in motor, sensory, cognitive and other functions. These deficits are often followed by limited, but spontaneous recovery, indicating that plasticity in remnant neuronal networks compensates for lost functions. Regeneration of the neural network is started by the remodeling of the neurites network, followed by remyelination, an essential process to achieve the functional recovery after CNS inflammation. Remyelination is started by the proliferation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs), a resident tissue stem cell in the CNS. After the response to the injury, OPCs differentiate into the oligodendrocyte to form myelin around the axon. During the development of the nerve system, OPC proliferation and differentiation are regulated by the molecules expressed in the CNS. However, under the pathological conditions in the CNS, OPC proliferation and differentiation is affected by the circulating factors because CNS inflammation disrupts vascular barrier (such as blood brain barrier) resulting in the leakage of the circulating factors into the CNS. In this talk, I will introduce the recent findings about the mechanism of CNS remyelination after the inflammation.
2022年7月1日 8:00~8:50 沖縄コンベンションセンター 会議場B2 第5会場
座長:谷口 忠大(立命館大学)

Computational psychiatry: understanding psychiatric disorders using data science and computational modeling

*山下 祐一(1)
1. 国立精神・神経医療研究センター
*Yuichi Yamashita(1)
1. National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry


Due to the drastic improvements in computer power and the refinement of machine learning (ML) theories and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, theoretical and mathematical methods are expected to contribute to psychiatry and clinical neuroscience. This emerging field of research is referred to as “computational psychiatry”. There are two major strategies for computational psychiatry. The first is trying to discover covert regularity from biological and behavioral “big data” related to psychiatric disorders using ML/AI techniques, referred to as the data-driven approach. Although big data and cutting-edge ML/AI techniques are used, the data-driven approach is still an extension of conventional methods, in the sense that it explores correspondences (correlations) between observed data and phenotypes and does not examine information processing within the brain itself. Therefore, the data-driven approach alone may be insufficient to overcome the fundamental difficulties in investigating mental illness, such as biological nonspecificity and heterogeneity. In order to address this issue, there is another line of approach in computational psychiatry, referred to as a theory-driven approach, in which mental disorders are modeled as aberrant information processing (“computation”) in the brain using mathematical formulations. The theory-driven approach is expected to provide mechanistic explanations bridging the different levels of biological observations. One of the most promising theories used in the theory-driven approach is “predictive processing theory” (also referred to as predictive coding / active inference). According to predictive processing theory, the brain is a “prediction machine” based on an internal model of the world and interacts with the world through a computational rule of “prediction error minimization”. While the hierarchical predictive process provides significant advantages for adaptive behavior in social environments, their failure has been postulated to result in psychiatric disorder symptoms. In this tutorial, following the overview of the research strategies in computational psychiatry, I will introduce our series of experiments in which hierarchical predictive process were implemented by the physical actions of a robot driven by hierarchical neural networks, demonstrating that failures in hierarchical predictive process lead to aberrant neural activities and abnormal behavior that can explain psychiatric and developmental disorders symptoms.
2022年7月1日 8:00~8:50 沖縄コンベンションセンター 会議場B3・4 第6会場
座長:柚崎 通介(慶応義塾大学医学部生理学)

Chemical labeling of neurotransmitter receptors in live mouse brain
*浜地 格(1)
1. 京都大学
*Itaru Hamachi(1)
1. Kyoto Univ.

Keyword: Chemcial labeling, Neurotransmitter receptors, live brain

It is considered live cells and live animals are the multimolecular crowding systems where all proteins are expressed with thier particular functions. In recent years, therefore, it is widely accepted that protein labeling is a powerful tool for studying protein-of-interest (POI) under such natural conditions. However, it is generally defficult to carry out chemical protein labeling with sufficient selectivity in live cells/tissues/live animals, while a few of bioorthogonal methods have been reported to date. In particular, valuable chemical strategies for selective labeling/imaging of endogenous protein is poorly developed. I briefly describe herein our recent progress in chemistry-based methods for selective labeling of endogenously expressed neurotransmitter receptors under live cell/tissues, and even in vivo. Our original method relies on molecular recognition coupled with a (designer) chemical reaction, termed ligand-directed chemistry (LDchem). It is expected that molecular recognition can secure the protein selectivity even in live systems and also accelerate the chemical reaction due to the proximity effect between the designed reactive module and a side chain of canonical amino acid exposed on the surface of POI. The LDchem allows to selectively modify endogenous POI with various synthetic functionalities, which is powerful for analyzing intracellular proteins and membrane-bound GPCR. In details, it turned out that ligand-directed acyl imidazole (LDAI) chemistry is capable of labeling endogenous AMPAR, NMDAR, mGlu1, ionotropic or metabotropic glutamate receptor and GABAaR in live brain, without genetic manipulation. We are now in progress for studying these receptors in term of life timem localization changes, and proximal proteomes in neuron and brains by use of this chemical labeling method. REFERENCES [1] Kiyonaka, S., Hamachi, I.,, Nature Commun., 2021, 12, 831 [2] Tamura, T. and Hamachi, I., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2019, 141, 2782 (Perspective) [3] Tamura. T, Hamachi, I., et. al., Nature Commun., 2018, 9, 1870 [4] Kiyonaka, S., Hamachi, I.,, Nature Commun., 2017, 8, 14850 [5] Yamaura, K., Hamachi, I.,, Nature ChemBio., 2016, 12, 822 [6] Tsukiji, S., Hamachi, I.,, Nature ChemBio., 2009, 5, 341
2022年7月2日 8:00~8:50 沖縄コンベンションセンター 会議場A1 第2会場
座長:尾崎 紀夫(名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科 精神医学・親と子どもの心療学分野)

*岡田 随象(1,2)
1. 大阪大学 大学院医学系研究科 遺伝統計学、2. 理化学研究所 生命医科学研究センター システム遺伝学チーム
*Yukinori Okada(1,2)
1. Department of Statistical Genetics, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, 2. Laboratory for Systems Genetics, RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences

Keyword: statistical genetics, genome, machine learning, drug discovery

次世代シークエンサーに代表されるゲノム配列解読機器の著しい発展とコストの低下により、大容量のゲノム・オミクス情報が出力される時代が到来しました。シークエンスの多くが受託解析で可能になり研究参入障壁が取り払われただけでなく、大規模バイオバンク由来ゲノムデータの一般公開、コンシューマー型企業の進出に象徴される、アカデミア型研究の枠を超えた展開など、「誰もが自分達のゲノムを知ることのできる社会」が、自律的に構築されつつあります。 遺伝統計学は、遺伝情報と形質情報の因果関係を統計学の観点から検討する学問分野です。メンデルによる遺伝法則の発見、家系例に対する連鎖解析、ヒト集団に対するゲノムワイド関連解析と、疾患感受性遺伝子の同定を軸に発展を遂げてきた遺伝統計学も、時代の潮流にあわせて更なる変革を要求されています。数百万人規模の大規模ヒト疾患ゲノム情報を大容量のオミクスデータと分野横断的に解釈し、社会還元するための学問へのニーズが高まっています。 細胞組織特異性に着目した疾患病態の解明、シングルセル・ロングリード解析など新規シークエンス技術の導入、機械学習・深層学習など革新的情報処理技術の適用、ヒト集団の適応進化の解明、ゲノム情報に基づく新規創薬の試み、ゲノム個別化医療の社会実装など、遺伝統計学が今後取り組むべき課題を本講演ではご紹介したいと思います。 近年の技術革新が著しい機械学習・深層学習を、ヒトゲノム情報にどのように適応していくか、は一つの課題を考えられています。集団ゲノム情報への教師なし機械学習、ヒトゲノム参照配列への教師あり深層学習を経て、集団ゲノム情報への教師あり深層学習の適用が進んでいます。私たちは、畳み込み深層学習に依るHLA遺伝子型推定アルゴリズムであるDEEP*HLAを開発し、従来のマルコフ連鎖に基づくアルゴリズムと比較して高精度の予測能を、集団中で稀なHLA遺伝子型に対して達成しました(Naito T et al. Nat Commun 2021;。疾患感受性遺伝子変異と遺伝子発現プロファイルを組み合わせるTranscriptome-Wide Association Study(TWAS)を活用したゲノム創薬ソフトウェアTrans-Pharなど、ゲノム創薬手法の開発も進めています(Konuma T et al. Hum Mol Genet 2021;。 本邦の基礎医学研究の更なる発展に必要なのは、若手人材の育成です。特に本邦では遺伝統計学分野の人材不足が指摘されています。どうやったら若い人に、夢と希望をもって基礎医学研究の世界に参入してもらうことができるか、「遺伝統計学・夏の学校@大阪大学」の開催など、私達の取り組みもあわせて検討させて頂ければと思います。
2022年7月2日 8:00~8:50 沖縄コンベンションセンター 会議場B1 第3会場
座長:小泉 修一(山梨大学 院医 薬理学講座)

Diverse function of microglia in glial-neuronal complexes

*小山 隆太(1)
1. 東京大学大学院薬学系研究科
*Ryuta Koyama(1)
1. Grad Sch Pharmaceut Sci., Univ of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan


In the brain parenchyma, which is composed mainly of cells of ectodermal origin, microglia are unique in that they are of mesodermal origin. This intriguing situation led me to hypothesize that microglia are responsible for specialized cell-cell interactions in glial-neuronal complexes. In the glial-neuronal complex, microglia constantly extend and retract their ramified processes to monitor the extracellular environment. In addition, microglia serve as immune cells in the brain, responding to inflammation, releasing cytokines, and phagocytosing cells and cell debris. It is possible that at least some of these functions of microglia are regulated by the diversity of individual microglia. This idea has been supported by studies using next-generation sequencing, which has made rapid progress in recent years. In other words, microglial heterogeneity in gene expression properties was found to be dependent on brain region and age. However, further studies are required to understand the mechanisms that give rise to microglial genetic heterogeneity and how the functional diversity of microglia modulates the function of glial-neuronal complexes. In this lecture, I will introduce the latest findings on these unanswered questions, including our own findings.
2022年7月2日 8:00~8:50 沖縄コンベンションセンター 会議場B5~7 第4会場
座長:庄野 逸(電気通信大学)

Simulation neuroscience: a new kind of neuroscience?

*山崎 匡(1)
1. 電気通信大学大学院情報理工学研究科
*Tadashi Yamazaki(1)
1. University of Electro-Communications

Keyword: Simulation, Supercomputer, High-performance computing, Theory

Natural science typically evolves in the following order: first is experimental science, where an interesting phenomenon is discovered and "measured" quantitatively. Second is theoretical science, where succinct mathematical interpretations are "extracted" from the measurements; such interpretations are called theories. Good theories capture the essence of the phenomenon, and provide testable predictions on the phenomenon. Then, the third is so-called simulation science, where the phenomenon is "reproduced" on a computer owing to the theories. Computer simulation is a useful means to examine the predictions postulated by theories, and it may also provide its own testable predictions (Stephen Wolfram. A New Kind of Science. Wolfram Media. 2002). Simulation neuroscience aspires to be the third science in the field of neuroscience. It attempts to build a digital copy of the brain with the resolution of individual neurons and synapses, where neurons and synapses are mimicked based on well-established theories such as the Hodgkin-Huxley equation and Hebbian theory. Here, simulation neuroscience differs from conventional computational neuroscience in various aspects, although both use computers. Computational neuroscience mainly aims to validate a theory by observing what the theory tells through rather simple and small-scale computer simulation. Simulation neuroscience, on the other hand, aims to reproduce neural activity observed experimentally through elaborated and large-scale computer simulation based on well-validated theories. Through the simulation, we might be able to understand neural mechanisms of various brain functions and disorders. In particular, it allows us to manipulate the system and observe how the dynamics change and affect the activity. Such manipulation includes modifying synaptic weights through synaptic plasticity, which is indispensable for understanding learning and memory in the brain. Artificial manipulation is a key advantage of computer simulation in determining cause and effect. Finally, testable predictions are dedicated to experiments. For this purpose, use of supercomputers becomes more essential. Thus, simulation neuroscience relies heavily on high-performance computing technology. In this talk, I will briefly introduce simulation science and simulation neuroscience, and then report on the progress of our ongoing project under the support of the Program for Promoting Researches on the Supercomputer Fugaku by MEXT.
2022年7月2日 8:00~8:50 沖縄コンベンションセンター 会議場B2 第5会場
座長:永井 健治(大阪大学 産業科学研究所)

Deciphering brain information dynamics through probing of Ca2+ and Ca2+ signaling

*尾藤 晴彦(1)
1. 東京大学 大学院医学系研究科脳神経医学専攻神経生化学分野
*Haruhiko Bitou(1)
1. Dept. of Neurochemistry, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
2022年7月3日 8:00~8:50 沖縄コンベンションセンター 会議場A1 第2会場
座長:花嶋 かりな(早稲田大学 教育・総合科学術院 先進理工学研究科)

Neurodevelpoment research and database

*下郡 智美(1)
1. 理化学研究所脳神経科学研究センター
*Tomomi Shimogori(1)

Keyword: Brain development, molecular , databse

Precise spatiotemporal control of gene expression in the developing brain is critical for neural circuit formation. Comprehensive expression mapping in the developing mammalian brain is crucial to understanding brain function in health and disease. Recent technological advances in next-generation sequencing- and imaging-based approaches have established the power of spatial transcriptomics to measure expression levels of all or most genes throughout tissue space.
Here I review spatial transcriptomic technologies and describe how we can use these new data sets to understand brain development comprehensively.
2022年7月3日 8:00~8:50 沖縄コンベンションセンター 会議場B1 第3会場
座長:上川内 あづさ(名古屋大学)

*王 丹(1)
1. 国立研究開発法人理化学研究所 生命機能科学研究センター 脳エピトランスクリプトミクス研究チーム
*Dan Ohtan Wang(1)
1. RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research

Keyword: RNA

2022年7月3日 8:00~8:50 沖縄コンベンションセンター 会議場B5~7 第4会場
座長:宮田 龍太(琉球大学)

*玉城 絵美(1,2)
1. 琉球大学、2. H2L株式会社
*Emi Tamaki(1,2)
1. University of the Ryukyus, 2. H2L,Inc.

Keyword: BodySharing, proprioceptive sensation, Experience sharing, Business

1 背景 人類は,活版,木版印刷,スピーカやディスプレイ(テレビ)を通じて,視聴覚情報として様々な人生の体験を共有してきました.私たちの研究グループでは,身体の感覚をも共有するBodySharingを実現することで,臨場感溢れる体験共有を目指しています.BodySharingとは、「身体に付随する感覚の相互共有によって身体の体験を2人以上の複数人数で共有して使うこと,あるいはその技術とインタフェース」のことです.ここでの“身体”とは、人、ロボット、バーチャルの身体も含んでいます.身体の体験を共有するためには,身体同士で情報を相互に共有し合うために,ユーザ(人間)の身体感覚を取得し,さらにはユーザに得られた身体感覚を再現する必要があります. BodySharingでは位置覚,抵抗覚や重量覚などの固有感覚を伝達することで,体験を共有しています. 2 BodySharingのためのセンシング BodySharing実現のために固有感覚を伝達するためには,センシングとアクチュエーションの2つの技術が必要となります.ここでは,センシングの研究成果についてご紹介します. 私たちが人生で様々な体験をするなかで固有感覚は,日常生活におけるセンシング技術の発達が十分とはいえず,人には伝えられませんでした.我々の研究グループでは,筋肉の状態を検出するための光学式筋変位センサを新たに研究開発しました.そのセンサの値を機械学習との組み合わせで,「力の入れ具合」を58gf誤差で推定することに成功しました.3 研究の広がり 我々の研究グループでは,BodySharingについて工学にとどまらない研究分野と産業の発展を目指しています.そのため,BodySharingのためのセンシングとアクチュエーションの技術をUnilimitedHandやFirstVRとして研究開発者向けあるいは一般向けに量産化し,販売しています.結果,様々な分野で固有感覚の伝達や体験共有の技術開発や知見が得られ,多数の研究成果があがっています.4 研究成果のビジネス化BodySharingの研究成果は,スポーツ,医療,遠隔観光や遠隔教育などの体験共有に応用されはじめています.研究成果からビジネス導入時の障壁やその突破口までを紹介します.
2022年7月3日 8:00~8:50 沖縄コンベンションセンター 会議場B2 第5会場
座長:鮫島 和行(玉川大学)

Pushing the limits of information resolution of human functional neuroimaging
*宮脇 陽一(1)
1. 国立大学法人電気通信大学
*Yoichi Miyawaki(1)
1. The University of Electro-Communications

Keyword: magnetoencephalography , functional magnetic resonance imaging, resolution, machine learning

Humans recognize the dynamic world quickly and take appropriate actions. The hierarchical neural dynamics over multiple brain regions play important roles in this process, but its neural mechanisms remain elusive. One of the major reasons for the lack of knowledge is the limits of spatio-temporal resolution of human functional neuroimaging. Magnetoencephalography (MEG) can measure the human brain activity at high temporal resolution because it can capture the magnetic field generated by neuronal activity in the human brain, but its spatial resolution is low because the signals are measured outside the skull. On the other hand, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has a high spatial resolution, but it is considered insufficient in terms of temporal resolution because the measured signals are based on changes in cerebral blood flow. Thus, there is no single method to measure human brain activity at a high spatio-temporal resolution sufficient to capture neural dynamics in the human brain. To overcome this situation, our research group has been developing methodologies to push the limits of 1) the spatial resolution of MEG and 2) the temporal resolution of fMRI. To improve the spatial resolution of MEG, we developed a new source estimation model of MEG signals that utilizes functional structures of the human brain, attaining better localization of brain areas that represent neural information relevant to experimental conditions. To improve the temporal resolution of fMRI, we developed ultra-fast fMRI techniques, in which signals are measured about 16 times faster than conventional methods using 7T fMRI under a high signal-to-noise-ratio condition. Furthermore, combining statistical machine learning analysis with the fast signal acquisition demonstrated rapid extraction of signal components relevant to neuronal activity while filtering out venous effects. Actually, neither approach improved signal acquisition resolution per se but succeeded in improving effective resolution to extract necessary information from the acquired signals. In this sense, we perhaps have to consider that this limit, which could be called “information resolution” – a minimum scale at which necessary information can be extracted from acquired signals, might be essential to reveal neural information representation in the human brain activity. In this lecture, I will introduce these methodological developments to push the information resolution of human functional neuroimaging and their application to neuroscientific questions.