岡田 佳代1,中尾 智博1,實松 寛晋1,村山 桂太郎1,本田 慎一1,神庭 重信1

Introduction:Recently, there is increasing evidence suggesting white matter alterations in obsessive-compulsive disorder(OCD). Moreover, those findings from DTI are still inconsistent, due to each methodological factor, difference in sample sizes, sample ages, or heterogeneity of OCD. In this study, we conducted DTI examination and analysis with a relatively large sample to provide more reliable and intimate findings.
Method:DTI examination on 3.0-Tesra scanner was conducted in thirty-seven OCD patients(14 males, mean age=34.4 years(SD=10.5))and 37 matched healthy controls(14 males, mean age=36.8years(SD=10.8). We investigated individual's fractional anisotropy(FA)values, a measure of the water directional diffusivity, and analyzed them using tract-based spatial statistics(TBSS)for voxel based between two-group comparison.
Results:In the present study, the OCD group exhibited a significant reduction compared to the healthy controls in FA values mainly in the inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus(IFOF), which may reflect the abnormality of white matter integrity there. There were no regions of significantly higher FA in the OCD group compared to the healthy controls.
Discussion:IFOF is one of the large association fiber bundle connecting the frontal and occipital lobe. It also contains fibers branching in the posterior part of the parietal and temporal lobes. Our finding supports the hypothesis that the pathophysiology of OCD might be extended to the broad regions including the parietal and occipital cortex not limited to conventional orbitofronto-striatal regions, known as the revised OCD-network model.
Limitation:We couldn't control for the influence of medication, patient's age and clinical characteristics.
齋藤 竹生1,池田 匡志1,近藤 健治1,岡久 祐子2,菱本 明豊3,大沼 徹4,廣瀬 雄一5,橋本 亮太6,尾崎 紀夫7,岩田 仲生1
藤田保健衛生大学精神神経科学1,岡山大学病院精神科神経科2,神戸大学大学院医学研究科精神医学分野3,順天堂大学医学部精神医学教室4,藤田保健衛生大学脳神経外科学5,小児発 達学研究科附属子どものこころの分子統御機構研究センター疾患関連分子解析部門 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科情報統合医学講座精神医学教室6,名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科精神医学・親と子どもの心療学分野7

BACKGROUND Antiepileptic drugs such as Lamotorigine(LTG)and carbamazepine(CBZ)cause cutaneous adverse drug reactions(cADRs), of which the most severe forms are Stevens-Johnson syndrome(SJS)and toxic epidermal necrolysis(TEN). Recent pharmacogenetic(PGt)or -genomic(PGx)studies have suggested that particular human leukocyte antigen(HLA)alleles have been strongly associated with CBZ-induced cADRs. However, although LTG is commonly used antiepileptic drug with high prevalence of cADRs, a limited number of studies have been reported so thus;in the European cohort, the most recent PGx suggested that HLA allele were not associated with LTG-induced cADRs as well as with particular genes. In this study, we aimed to identify susceptibility loci associated with cADRs induced by LTG in the Japanese population through PGx approach.METHOD We conducted a PGx study(Affymetrix 6.0 chip)in 35 subjects with LTG-induced cADR and in 151 LTG tolerant controls. Written informed consent was obtained from each subject. The ethics committees of Fujita Health University approved this study.RESULT One SNP showed significant association with genome-wide significant level(rs8076290 in nucleoredoxin(NXN):P=4.55×10-8, genomic-control adjusted). However none of the peak was observed around HLA region on chromosome 6.DISCUSSION Although our sample size was limited, we detected risk SNP in NXN for LTG-induced cADRs. NXN is a key regulator of Wnt/β-catenin, TLR4/MyD88 pathway and Wnt/PCP pathways, however its precise mechanism linking to cADR is unclear. These results also suggest that HLA alleles do not play a major role on this condition, different from the results for CBZ. Replication study, especially using different population, will be essential for conclusive results.
鳥塚 通弘1,2,紀本 創兵1,2,村木 一枝2,Landek-Salgado Melissa A3,吉田 充裕4,山本 典生4,堀内 泰江3,比山 英樹5,多神田 勝規5,倪 健偉5,Illingworth Elizabeth6,岩本 隆司7,岸本 年史1,澤 明3,谷垣 健二2
奈良県立医科大学精神医学講座1,滋賀成人病センター研究所2,Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA3,京都大学大学院医学研究科、耳鼻咽喉科・頭頸部外科4,アステラス製薬株式会社薬理研究所5,Department of Chemistry and Biology, University of Salerno, Fisciano, Italy6,中部大学生命健康科学部・生命医科学科7

疋田 貴俊1,2,3,矢和多 智2,山口 隆司2,檀上 輝子2,笹岡 俊邦4,Wang Yanyan5,中西 重忠2

The basal ganglia-thalamocortical circuitry plays a central role in selecting actions that achieve reward-seeking outcomes and avoid aversive ones. Inputs of the nucleus accumbens(NAc)in this circuitry are transmitted through two parallel pathways:the striatonigral direct pathway and the striatopallidal indirect pathway. In the NAc, dopaminergic(DA)modulation of the direct and the indirect pathways is critical in reward-based and aversive learning and cocaine addiction. To explore how DA modulation regulates the associative learning behavior, we developed an asymmetric reversible neurotransmission-blocking technique in which transmission of each pathway was unilaterally blocked by transmission-blocking tetanus toxin and the transmission on the intact side was pharmacologically manipulated by local infusion of a receptor-specific agonist or antagonist. This approach revealed that the activation of D1 receptors and the inactivation of D2 receptors postsynaptically control reward learning/cocaine addiction and aversive learning in a direct pathway-specific and indirect pathway-specific manner, respectively. Furthermore, this study demonstrated that aversive learning is elicited by elaborate actions of NMDA receptors, adenosine A2a receptors, and endocannabinoid CB1 receptors, which serve as key neurotransmitter receptors in inducing long-term potentiation in the indirect pathway. Thus, reward and aversive learning is regulated by pathway-specific neural plasticity via selective transmitter receptors in the NAc circuit.
松田 真悟1,松澤 大輔2,3,石井 大典2,富澤 はるな2,清水 栄司2,3

渡部 真也1,伊賀 淳一1,沼田 周助1,下寺 信次2,藤田 博一2,石井 一夫3

【目的】大うつ病の診療では相当数の過少診断と過剰診断が存在することが想定されており、診断補助のための生物学的診断マーカーの確立は、診療レベルの向上に大きく寄与すると考えられる。大うつ病の基盤には脳内機能変調が存在するが、その影響は神経内分泌系、神経免疫系、自律神経系を通して全身に及んでいる。その影響を的確に把握する生物学的マーカーとして、末梢白血球の遺伝子発現パターンを用いた診断的バイオマーカーの作成について検討を行った。【方法】Pilot studyではDSM-IVの診断基準に基づいて大うつ病と診断された未服薬の患者25名と性・年齢をマッチさせた健常対照25名を検討し、Replication studyでは20名の大うつ病患者と18名の健常対照を検討した。大うつ病に関連する40の候補遺伝子についてPCRarrayを用いて末梢白血球中の発現を一度に測定し、発現のパターンに基づいて大うつ病患者と健常対照の弁別を試みた。【結果】Pilot studyでは大うつ病群と健常対照群を比較したところ40の候補遺伝子のうち13遺伝子の発現に有意差が見られた。これら13遺伝子の発現量をもとに、それぞれのサンプルの判別スコアを算出し、大うつ病群と健常対象群の弁別を試みた。判別スコアが0以上をうつ病、0未満を健常対象として両群の判別を行ったところ、pilot studyにおいては感度80%、特異度:92%で両群を弁別できた。Replication studyでも感度85%、特異度83%と概ね同等に両群を弁別し得た。またP値の低い順から6遺伝子を用いた弁別でも同等の結果が得られた。【結論】末梢白血球中の遺伝子発現パターンを用いて大うつ病と健常対照の弁別を試みたところ、良好な感度・特異度をもって両者を弁別することができた。この手法に必要な血液サンプルはごく少量(約2.5ml)で、サンプル採取から半日程度で結果が得られるという点は臨床応用に適していると考えられる。今後、炎症反応や食事、喫煙など他の要因の影響についての検討や本マーカーを用いて大うつ病と他の精神疾患との弁別が可能かどうかの検証も必要である。