近藤 誠,中村 雪子,石田 雄介,島田 昌一

Fear is an emotion that is central to the organization of defensive behaviors in response to threat, and therefore has an essential role in survival for animals. Unfortunately, in some cases, dysfunction in the fear system produces inappropriate and exaggerated fears that lead to psychiatric disorders, such as post-traumatic stress-disorder(PTSD). These disorders severely affect the lives of patients and are an increasing burden on our societies. Therefore, understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying fear memory processes could help with the development of therapeutic strategies for fear disorders. The 5-HT3 receptor is the only ionotropic receptor in the family of 5-HT receptors. In the brain, the 5-HT3A receptor is mainly expressed in limbic regions, such as hippocampus, amygdala and cortex, suggesting its involvement in cognitive and emotional brain functions. However, it is not known whether the 5-HT3 receptor regulates fear memory processes. Analysis of 5-HT3A receptor knockout mice in fear conditioning paradigms revealed that the 5-HT3A receptor is not required for the acquisition or retention of fear memory, but is essential for the extinction of contextual and tone-cued fear. Our data suggest that the 5-HT3A receptor could be a key molecule regulating fear memory processes and a potential therapeutic target for fear disorders.
山口 尚宏1,森本 芳郎1,小野 慎治1,松本 一隆2,松本 俊二2,中根 秀之1,今村 明1,黒滝 直弘1,吉本 静志3,中根 允文1,岡崎 祐士2,小澤 寛樹1
長崎大学病院 精神神経科1,医療法人厚生会 道ノ尾病院2,医療法人財団 有朋会 嬉野温泉病院3

現代日本では自殺が大きな社会問題になっている。最近、水道水に含まれる微量リチウム濃度が高い地域では自殺が少ないという報告が話題になっているが、コンセンサスは得られていない。自殺の中間表現型となりうるものの1つとして特に青年期では衝動性・攻撃性はそのリスクを高める要因となることが知られており、またマウスやヒトで臨床的使用に近い量でのリチウム短期投与と衝動性との関連を検討した研究はみられるが、低濃度リチウム長期投与と衝動性に関する研究はまだない。【目的】本研究では、マウスにおいて超低濃度リチウムを長期間投与することにより衝動性を低下させる薬理効果があるかどうかを検証する。【方法】C57BL/6雄マウスの飲料水を生後4週齢から125mg/L~125μg/Lの炭酸リチウム含有水に代え、持続的に100~200日投与を行った。マウスの運動性・不安を検証するためにOpen field testを、衝動性を検証するために居住者-侵入者テストを行った。【結論】Open field testにおいては炭酸リチウムを投与された群と水道水投与群で、不安や運動量に関して差はみられなかった。居住者-侵入者テストにおいて炭酸リチウム投与群は、水道水投与群と比べてマウス投与で薬効を示すとされている濃度よりも低濃度(50mg/L)で初回攻撃潜時の延長がみられた。また2mg/L以下の超低濃度投与群でも、リチウム濃度と初回攻撃潜時に正の相関があるという結果が得られた。【考察】マウスにおいて、生後若い時期より超低濃度リチウムを長期持続投与すると居住者-侵入者テストにおいて初回攻撃戦時が延長した。これは衝動性の低下によるものと考えられる。その結果、ヒトにおいても超低濃度リチウムを長期投与することにより衝動性が低下し、その結果自殺率が低下する可能性があることが示唆された。作用機序については今後検討していく予定である。
伊東 秀記,森下 理香,岩本 郁子,永田 浩一

Possible role of CD63 in synaptic function of rat cortical neurons
吉村 文1,沼川 忠広2,中島 進吾2,安達 直樹2,川又 理樹3,落谷 孝広3,功刀 浩2,玉井 淑貴1
国立精神・神経医療研究センター神経研究所 実験動物管理室1,国立精神・神経医療研究センター神経研究所 疾病研究第三部2,国立がん研究センター研究所 分子細胞治療研究分野3

 CD63, a member of the transmembrane-4 glycoprotein superfamily(tetraspanins), is known to interact with other proteins in cell surface, implicating its contribution to the intracellular signaling for synaptic function. In this study, using cultured cortical neurons, we investigated possible role of CD63 in the synaptogenesis. First, we checked endogenous expression of CD63 during in vitro maturation, and found that different expression pattern of CD63 protein compared with that of synaptic proteins. Although synaptic proteins in cultured cortical neurons are generally increased during synaptic maturation(3-9 days in vitro;3-9DIV), the levels of CD63 protein reached to a peak at 5DIV, a point of starting of intensive synaptogenesis, with gradual decrease. Interestingly, CD63 overexpression in cultured cortical neurons induced enhanced expression of synaptic protein including synaptotagmin. We are trying to determine possible mechanism underlying the CD63-mediated synaptogenesis. This work was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists(B).
森川 勝太1,河田 美穂1,田村 英紀2,塩坂 貞夫1

中澤 瞳,富永 沙葉,塩坂 貞夫

In the hippocampus, the activity of main excitatory neurons is regulated by GABAergic interneurons which express specifically parvalbumin(PV+). Pv+ interneurons seem to play a crucial role in encoding spatial and episodic information through an excitatory-inhibitory local circuit. Hippocampal pyramidal cells represent functional and morphological difference along the radial axis(deep to superficial), and it's thought that subdivisions in the pyramidal cell layer may be critical for hippocampal function. However, the histological and functional differences of Pv+ interneurons innervation in deep or superficial pyramidal cell layer are not well understood. Previous studies showed that the the PV+ neurons are preferentially innervating the deep CA1 pyramidal neurons(Lee et al., Neuron, 2014)and superficial CA1 pyramidal cells showed selective vulnerability for the indirect excitotoxin cacetylenic GABA(GAG). These studies suggested that the stronger connectivity between deep pyramidal cell layers and PV+ interneurons than between superficial and PV+ interneurons. How Pv+ interneurons could form strong connectivity with deep pyramidal cell layers? Immunohistochemical staining of PV+ neurons showed strong perisomatic staining of parvalbumin fibers in deep pyramidale layer of CA1-CA3 subfields. This data implies that there are a lot of inputs from PV+ neurons to deep pyramidal cell layers. In present studies, we focus on deep pyramidal cell layers by observation the ultrastructure of parvalbumin-positive interneuron's terminals. A novel technology of 3D immunoelectron microscopic observation for parvalbumin projection to pyramidale cells might contribute to detect microcircuit of PV+ networks.