大津 真生1,山崎 博幸1,六本木 麗子1,小金澤 紀子1,大原 由貴1,佐藤 薫2,関野 祐子2,白尾 智明1

Induced pluripotent stem cells(iPSCs)are expected to be useful tools in an innovative drug-development and a safety test of new medications. In this study, we performed validation tests of the 8 drugs(drug A-drug H)using human iPSCs-derived neurons(iCell Neurons, Cellular Dynamics International Inc.). The drugs are commercially available medicines, and they have been known to cause side effects on cardiovascular system. We applied the drugs to iCell Neurons at 1 day in vitro(DIV)and evaluated their development at DIV 2. The drug-treated neurons were fixed and immunolabeled by MAP2(dendritic marker), phosphorylated-neurofilament(axonal marker), and drebrin(actin-binding protein)antibodies. The application of 10 μM-drug C significantly decreased the neurite length compared with control group. On the other hand, drebrin localizations in growth cones were not affected by all drugs used in this study. Since we detected a significant change in morphology in the early developmental stage of iCell Neurons, our results indicate that human iPSCs-derived neurons are applicable in a safety test for drug development.
神経幹細胞の増殖と分化におけるKrüppel-like factor 5の役割
渕上 孝裕1,林 義剛1,黒田 杏理1,石田 正平1,依馬 正次2,等 誠司1

Krüppel-like factor(Klf)5 is a member of Klf family proteins, which are members of DNA-binding transcriptional factors with highly conserved sequences and overlapping functions in cell proliferation, differentiation and development. Among them, Klf4 is one of the defined factors which reprogram somatic cells to induced pluripotent stem cells(iPS cells). Klf4 is also related to ES cells self-renewals, inner-cell mass(ICM)development and neural stem cells(NSCs)proliferation. Klf5 shows functional redundancy with Klf4 in the induction of iPS cells and ES cells self-renewals. Klf5 is shown to be essential for blastocyst and the three germ layers development, but its roles in the neurogenesis have not been examined.In this study, we performed neurosphere assay to investigate the roles of Klf5 in neurogenesis. We found that conditional knockout of Klf5 results in the impairment of self-renewals of NSCs. We also found that knockdown or overexpression of Klf5 by in utero electroporation induced abnormal differentiation and migration of neural precursor cells in the developing brain. Additionally, aberrant BrdU incorporation was observed in these brains. These results suggest that Klf5 regulates the proliferation, differentiation and neural migration of neural precursor cells.
岸 宗一郎,河内 全,細川 昌則,榎戸 靖

芝 達雄,米山 雅紀,荻田 喜代一

Subventricular zone(SVZ)of adult brain has neural stem/progenitor cells(NPCs)that generate new neurons throughout life. In the NPCs, intracellular Ca2+ is known to play a critical role in regulating different stages of early brain development and neurogenesis. In the present study, we evaluated the effect of blockers for different types of Ca2+ channels on differentiation in the NPCs of adult mouse SVZ. Cells were prepared from the SVZ of 5-week-old male mice and then primarily cultured in DMEM/F12 medium with EGF and bFGF for 8-11 days in vitro(DIV). To differentiate the cells, the cells were cultured in differentiation medium at 1 DIV after replating. Exposure of the cells to ruthenium red induced morphological change with elongating process in the cells even under proliferative conditions in the presence of the growth factors. However, MK-801, nifedipine, 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate, or dantrolene did not affect the changes in cell morphology. Un the same experimental conditions, exposure to ruthenium red for 1 days resulted in a decrease in the level of EGF receptors, as well as an increase in the phosphorylation level of ERK1/2 of the NPCs. The NPCs had the ability to differentiate into astrocytes or neuronal cells under the experimental conditions for differentiation. Under the differentiation conditions, ruthenium red produced an increase in the number of GFAP-positive cells, but conversely a decrease in the number of β-tublin III-positive cells. Ruthenium red was effective in down-regulating the gene level of both Hes5 and Math1 under the same conditions. These results suggest that ruthenium red sensitivity channels are involved in commitment for glial differentiation in the NPCs derived from adult mouse SVZ.
松本 真実,澤田 雅人,澤本 和延
