竹本 梨紗,小林 勇喜,濱本 明恵,斎藤 祐見子

Gタンパク質調節タンパク質(RGS)はGタンパク質αサブユニットと共役し、αサブユニットが有するGTPase活性を亢進して、シグナル伝達の抑制に関与する。本研究では、脳特異的に発現するRGS8に着目した。これまでに本研究室により、RGS8と種々のGPCRを組み合わせた研究が行われ、RGS8は複数のうつ不安関連受容体、特にGq共役型タキキニン受容体1(TACR1)に対して強力なシグナル抑制作用を持つことが明らかになった。さらに、様々なRGS8変異体を用いてシグナル系を解析した結果、RGS8のTACR1シグナル調節機構はTACR1-RGS8-Gq複合体のみが関与するのではなく、RGS8と結合する分子Xが関与したTACR1-RGS8-X-Gqという、より複雑な機構を介する可能性を得た。分子Xを同定するには免疫沈降解析(IP)が必須となるが、これまでにRGS8タンパク質検出のIP最適条件は確立されていない。そこで、我々は5種類の抗体を用いてRGS8タンパク質の生化学的解析(ウエスタンブロット解析及びIP法の条件検討)を行った。その結果、RGS8タンパク質を効率よく検出できるIP条件を確立し、RGS8と相互作用する細胞内因子の同定を行っている。さらに、我々はRGS8の生理作用解明のため、RGS8が中枢選択的に過剰発現するトランスジェニックマウス(tg)を作製した。まず、RGS8発現ベクター導入マウス63匹のPCR解析を行い、tgと判定したマウスを系統ライン確立のためのファウンダーとし、このマウスに野生型を交配させて産仔を得た。現在、継続的な飼育によってRGS8遺伝子を安定して保持する2つのtg系統を得ており、ゲノミックサザン、in situ hybridization法、免疫組織化学などによりRGS8発現が野生型に比べ亢進していることを確認している。本研究は、RGS8のGPCRシグナル調節機構及びうつ病とRGS8の関連解明に役立つことが期待される。
柴田 泰宏,渡辺 正哉,熊本 奈都子,植田 高史,鵜川 眞也
名古屋市立大学大学院医学研究科 機能組織学

Acid-sensing ion channels(ASICs)are neuronal cation channels activated by extracellular acidification. There are four ASIC genes that encode at least six individual subunits with distinct and overlapping patterns of expression. ASIC1a, ASIC1b, ASIC2a and ASIC3 can be directly activated by external protons, and ASIC2b is a modulatory subunit of the family. However, ASIC4 has not yet been shown to produce or modulate proton-evoked currents. To investigate the electrophysiological properties of mouse ASIC4(mASIC4), two-electrode voltage-clamp recordings were performed. It was revealed that expression of ASIC4 in Xenopus laevis oocytes generated small inward currents at a holding potential of -60 mV, while there was no substantial current in H2O-injected control oocytes. The ASIC4 current was insensitive to a nonselective ASIC channel blocker, amiloride, but was reversibly inhibited by 100 μM Zn2+(IC50=~90μM). The Zn2+-sensitive current was highly selective for Na+ as the reversal potential was approximately 10 mV in NaCl bathing solution(ND96). Interestingly, the ASIC4 leakage current was enhanced in the presence of extracellular protons, and the current was also blocked by 100 μM Zn2+. These results raise the possibility that ASIC4 associates with other ASIC subtypes to form heteromeric assemblies with the novel electrophysiological properties in the mammalian nervous system.
安達 直樹,沼川 忠広,中島 進吾,大島 淑子,小高 陽樹,片沼 祐介,功刀 浩

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor(BDNF)has critical role in both developing and mature brain, therefore, possible involvement of BDNF in the pathophysiology of brain-related diseases such as psychiatric diseases has been interesting issue. It is well established that glucocorticoids secreted from the adrenal cortex is enhanced after chronic stressful stimuli, and can harm the central nervous system, resulting in neural damages. To clarify negative influence of glucocorticoids on neuronal BDNF function, cultured cortical neurons were exposed to a synthetic glucocorticoid dexamethasone(DEX), and intracellular BDNF dynamics were determined. We found that DEX changed intracellular transport of BDNF-containing vesicles in dendrites of rat cortical neurons. DEX increased velocity of BDNF-vesicle trafficking and changed its transport properties including direction(antero- or retrograde)and synaptic localization. We are trying to identify possible regulators of the DEX influence on intracellular trafficking of BDNF, focusing on proteins associated with the dynein-motor complex.―This study has been supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research B(24300139)and challenging Exploratory Research(25640019).―
PC12細胞における酸性条件下での2-aminoethyldiphenyl borate(2-APB)誘発生Ca2+流入の分子機構
高橋 賢次,横田 緑苗,太田 利男

山本 伸一1,高坂 新一2,中嶋 一行1
創価大学工学部生命情報工学科1,国立精神・神経センター 神経研究所2

Transection of rat facial nerve leads to the proliferation of microglia in the ipsilateral facial nucleus. The microglial proliferation was found to be regulated by the interactions among cyclin A, cyclin D, Cdk2, Cdk4 and p21, and the induction of cyclins/PCNA and cFms was found to be differentially regulated by c-Jun N-terminal kinase(JNK)and p38 in M-CSF-stimulated microglia. However, the knowledge about signaling mechanism for M-CSF-stimulated microglial proliferation is largely limited. In the present study, we analyzed the MAP kinase cascade in M-CSF-triggered microglial proliferation. We first confirmed that cFms transmembrane receptor is phosphorylated just after M-CSF stimulation. Subsequently, both JNK and p38 were phosphorylated. These activations were significantly suppressed by pretreatment with cFms inhibitor, suggesting that JNK and p38 are downstream of cFms. The upstream kinases of JNK and p38, MKK4 and MKK3/6, were also recognized to be activated by stimulation with M-CSF. Furthermore, we demonstrated that mitogen activated protein kinase activated protein kinase-2(MAPKAPK-2), cyclic AMP responsive element binding protein(CREB), mitogen-and stress-activated protein kinase-1(MSK-1), cJun, activating transcription factor-2(ATF-2)and ETS family of transcription factor(ETS-1)are all activated in M-CSF-stimulated microglia. Our results indicated that M-CSF/cFms signaling in microglia is linked to MKK4-JNK and MKK3/6-p38 cascades, and at downstream of these MAP kinases MAPKAPK-2, CREB, MSK-1, cJun, ATF-2 and ETS-1 serve for the induction of cyclins/PCNA and cFms.
大塚 貴文,矢野 真人,坂野 総重,芝田 晋介,岡野 栄之

Neuronal Elavls(nElavl)are the first defined neuron specific RNA binding protein(RNABP), implicated in the nervous system development, making spatial memory or RNA regulation in drug induced seizure brain. However, their roles have not fully been elucidated, in part due to their in vivo handful targets and redundancy. Here we focused on a specific member of nElavls, Elavl2, which mRNA is expressed in the earliest stage in developing cortical neurons among other nElavls. Our histological analysis by Elavl2 specific antibody revealed that Elavl2 protein showed unique expression patterns in the adult mouse brain, especially inhibitory neuron in hippocampus compared with other nElavls. To understand a comprehensive role of Elavl2, we generated genome-wide Elavl2-RNA binding map on the mouse embryonic brain by using HITS-CLIP, High-throughput sequencing of RNA isolated by crosslinking immunoprecipitation methods. We are now validating Elavl2 specific RNA targets with Elavl2 knock-out mouse and this genome-wide Elavl2-RNA binding map, biological functions of Elavl2 by Gene Ontology and in vivo Elavl2 binding motif by CIMS(Crosslinking induced mutation site)analysis, detecting the in vivo Elavl2 binding motif in single nucleotide resolution. In addition, we are also analyzing the mechanisms of Elavl2 function in the brain, especially translational control of target mRNAs with Ribosome footprinting analysis. Lastly, we will discuss how Elavl2-RNA targets link to brain complexity using these our two layered in vivo foot printing analysis.