田渕 明子,宮田 智陽,皆藤 真季,菊池 啓悦,石橋 悠太,福地 守,袴田 知之,津田 正明

Regulation of actin and actin-binding proteins are deeply indispensable for cell motility-based formation of neuronal circuit and synaptic plasticity. Scapinin/Phactr3(nuclear scaffold-associated PP1-inhibiting protein/phosphatase and actin regulator 3)has been reported as an actin- or protein phosphatase 1(PP1)-binding protein that is highly expressed in the brain. In this study, we have examined the expression pattern of Scapinin/Phactr3 in several tissues or the developing brain and have examined the effect of Scapinin/Phactr3 on dendritic morphology of cortical neurons. We have found that Scapinin/Phactr3 mRNA is enriched in neurons, but not astrocytes. Overexpression of Scapinin/Phactr3 in rat cortical neurons resulted in an increase of dendritic complexity. Preliminary data suggests that Scapinin/Phactr3 mutant without PP1-binding activity, but not the mutant without actin-binding activity is less effective than the wild type in terms of dendritic complexity. On the other hand, actin-binding domain is suggested to be critical in the maintenance of dendritic spine morphology. Taken together, these findings suggest that the expression of Scapinin/Phactr3 is neuronal and may contribute to dendritic and synaptic formation via distinctive function of actin- or PP1-binding domain.
山岸 覚,佐藤 康二

 FLRTはロイシンリッチリピート(LRR)、フィブロネクチンIII(FNIII)型構造を持つ膜貫通型蛋白質であり、これまで接着因子としての機能が知られていた。申請者は近年、FLRT2、FLRT3が新規Unc5B・5Dリガンドであり、反発性軸索ガイダンス因子であることを見出した(Yamagishi et al., EMBO J., 2011)。FLRT2は大脳皮質V/VI層に強く発現しており、脳室下帯からの放射状移動を抑制していた。FLRT2は海馬CA1領域に強く発現しており、FLRT3はCA3・歯状回に発現している。したがってFLRT2ノックアウトマウス海馬初代培養を用いて、FLRT2による神経細胞の突起伸張に対する影響を解析した。その結果、FLRT2ノックアウトマウスの神経細胞軸索は野生型に比して顕著に長くなっていることが明らかとなった。さらには、成長円錐における個々のフィロポディアも長くなっていた。一方、in vivoにおける海馬CA1神経細胞樹状突起の形成やスパインの形状に関してはノックアウトマウスにおいて差異は見られなかった。また、in vitroにおいて成長円錐コラプスアッセイを行った結果、FLRT2によって多くの成長円錐がコラプスし、受容体であるUnc5Dノックアウトマウスではコラプスする割合が減少した。以上の結果から、FLRT2はノンセラトノマスな反発因子として作用し、軸索伸張を制御しているのではないかと考えられる。
船橋 靖広,難波 隆志,藤末 慎,伊藤 教道,中牟田 信一,加藤 勝洋,島田 明子,Chundi Xu,Wei Shan,西岡 朋生,貝淵 弘三

Axon formation is one of the most important events in neuronal polarization and is regulated by signaling molecules involved in cytoskeletal rearrangement and protein transport. We previously found that Partition-defective 3(Par3)is associated with KIF3A(kinesin-2)and is trans-ported into the nascent axon in a KIF3A-dependent fashion. Par3 interacts with the Rac-specific guanine nucleotide-exchange factors(GEFs)Tiam1/2, which activate Rac1, and participates in axon formation in cultured hippocampal neurons. However, the regulatory mechanism of the Par3-KIF3A interaction is poorly understood, and the role of Par3 in neuronal polarization in vivo remains elusive. Here, we found that extra-cellular signal-regulated kinase 2(ERK2)directly interacts with Par3, that ERK2 phosphorylates Par3 at Ser-1116, and that the phosphorylated Par3 accumulates at the axonal tips in a manner dependent upon ERK2 activity. The phosphorylation of Par3 by ERK2 inhibited the interaction of Par3 with KIF3A but not with the other Par3 partners, including Par6 and aPKC. The phosphomimic mutant of Par3(Par3-S1116D)showed less binding activity with the KIF3s and slower transport in the axons. The knockdown of Par3 by RNA interference impaired neuronal polar-ization, which was rescued with RNAi-resistant Par3, but not with the phosphomimic Par3 mutant, in cultured rat hippocampal neurons and mouse cortical projection neurons in vivo. These results suggest that ERK2 phosphorylates Par3 and inhibits its binding with KIF3A, thereby controlling Par3 transport and neuronal polarity.
林 周宏,井上 聖香,久保 健一郎,仲嶋 一範

The mammalian neocortex is composed of six layers that are parallel to its brain surface, and the neocortical neurons at the same birth-date are arranged in the same layer. Though the precise function of the neocortex requires this layered structure, the mechanism of the layer formation has not been completely understood. Reelin is a glycoprotein secreted from Cajal-Retzius cells at the marginal zone during development. A mutant mouse lacking reelin protein, reeler, shows abnormal corticogenesis in which layers are almost inverted, indicating that reelin is pivotal for neocortical cytoarchitecture. The binding of reelin to its receptors, ApoER2 and VLDLR induces the phosphorylation of Dab1 by Fyn and Src kinases. Then phosphorylated Dab1 interacts with various proteins and transduces the signal to the downstream pathways. One of the phosphorylated Dab1-binding proteins, Nck2 is known as an adaptor protein and acts to remodel actin cytoskeleton. However, the cellular function of Nck2 in reelin signaling remains to be elucidated. This study focuses on the role of this molecule in neocortical development.
Localization of Nck2 protein was shifted to the base of leading process when the migratory cortical neuron reached to the primitive cortical zone that is outermost region of the cortical plate. Nck2-knockdown neurons possessed fewer branching and some of these neurons were mispolarized in the cortical plate. In utero electroporation of Nck2-knockdown vector with reelin expression vector led to abnormal reelin-induced aggregates. These results suggest Nck2 may function in dendrite formation in response to reelin during neocortical development.
水野 誠1,松本 歩2,浜田 奈々子1,山形 崇倫2,永田 浩一1
