古屋敷 智之

Chronic stress causes emotional and cognitive changes across species, and is a risk factor for psychiatric disorders. Previous rodent studies revealed roles for inflammation-related molecules, such as IL-1β and prostaglandin E2, in stress-induced behavioral changes. These inflammation-related molecules are mainly derived from microglia in the brain, and several groups including ours reported that various types of stressors induce morphological changes in microglia. However, a role for microglia and the mechanism underlying stress-induced microglial response remain unclear. Recently, innate immune molecules, such as toll-like receptors(TLRs), are implicated in detecting perturbed tissue homeostasis to evoke inflammation without apparent infection. Using repeated social defeat stress in mice, here we show evidence suggesting a role for TLRs in repeated stress-induced behavioral changes. Thus, mice deficient in TLRs failed to show normal behavioral changes, namely social avoidance and elevated anxiety, induced by repeated stress. These mice also showed abnormality in repeated stress-induced functional and structural alterations in the medial prefrontal cortex, a brain structure critical for stress resilience. Furthermore, several findings support the notion that repeated stress activates microglia through TLRs, thereby causing neural and behavioral changes. In this symposium, I will introduce our recent findings described above, and will discuss implications of these findings for pharmaceutical development for psychiatric disorders.
斎藤 顕宜,山田 光彦

岡本 泰昌

情動は、様々な生物において、種の適応にとって重要な機能を担ってきた。ヒトにおいても、行動や意思決定は、多くの場合、情動的な文脈と関連してなされている。多くの精神疾患で、この情動の過程に異常を認めるが、特にうつ病においては、主要症状である抑うつ気分あるいは悲しみは、ネガティブ情動が過剰に生起される状態として、興味関心の喪失や喜びを経験することができなくなることは、ポジティブ情動が生起されなくなった状態と理解することができる。さらに、うつ病では情動の生起の障害に加えて、情動の認知的制御機能に障害をきたしていることや、認知情報処理過程の偏りがネガティブな情動の生起・維持、あるいは逆にポジティブな情動が生起・維持されないことを引き起こしている可能性も示唆されている。一方、うつ病の病態を捉えるために、functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging(fMRI)などの脳画像解析手法を用いて脳機能を直接測定しようとする研究が精力的に行われ、うつ病の幅広い臨床症候に合致した様々な脳領域の機能異常や脳領域間結合の異常が明らかになっている。そこで本発表では、これまでわれわれが行ってきた脳機能画像研究を中心に、まずうつ病の様々な臨床症候と脳機能異常について述べ、これらの機能異常が薬物療法や精神療法によってどのように変化をするかを紹介する。その上で、うつ病の情動制御障害の神経科学的メカニズムについて考察する。本発表が情動の制御メカニズムに興味を持つ人だけでなく、うつ病の臨床にたずさわる方々にとって病態理解につながる機会となれば幸いである。
山田 大輔1,関口 正幸1,2

Although the underlying mechanism remains unknown, several studies have suggested benefits of n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid(PUFA)for patients with anxiety disorders. Elevated fear is thought to contribute to the pathogenesis of particular anxiety disorders. The aim of the present study was to evaluate whether the dietary n-3 to n-6 PUFA(3:6)ratio influences fear memory. For this purpose, the effects of various dietary 3:6 ratios on fear memory were examined in mice using contextual fear conditioning, and the effects of these diets on central synaptic transmission were examined to elucidate the mechanism of action of PUFA. We found that fear memory correlated negatively with dietary, serum, and brain 3:6 ratios in mice. The low fear memory in mice fed a high 3:6 ratio diet was increased by the cannabinoid CB1 receptor antagonist rimonabant, reaching a level seen in mice fed a low 3:6 ratio diet. The agonist sensitivity of CB1 receptor was enhanced in the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala(BLA)of mice fed a high 3:6 ratio diet, compared with that of mice fed a low 3:6 ratio diet. Similar enhancement was induced by pharmacological expulsion of cholesterol in the neuronal membrane of brain slices from mice fed a low 3:6 ratio diet. CB1 receptor-mediated short-term synaptic plasticity was facilitated in pyramidal neurons of the BLA in mice fed a high 3:6 ratio diet. These results suggest that the ratio of n-3 to n-6 PUFA is a factor regulating fear memory via cannabinoid CB1 receptors.