村松 里衣子1,2,3,山下 俊英1,2
大阪大院・医・分子神経科学1,科学技術振興機構 CRESTO2,科学技術振興機構 さきがけ3

Vascular barrier dysfunction is a major anatomical feature in central nervous system(CNS)diseases, including multiple sclerosis, stroke, epilepsy, familial amyotrphopic lateral sclerosis(ALS), and brain tumors. Due to an increase in vascular permeability, resulting edema elicits the influx of blood-derived neurotoxic molecules into the CNS. Maintaining the integrity of the vascular barrier is therefore considered necessary for protection against expanding and exacerbating damage in CNS diseases. Prostacyclin is a metabolite of arachidonic acid or prostaglandin endoperoxides and is released from vascular endothelial cells. We previously revealed that prostacyclin treatment directly enhanced axon regeneration and remyelination in the injured adult CNS. Moreover, we recently found that prostacyclin attenuates lysophosphatidylcholine(LPC)-mediated vascular dysfunction in the adult mouse spinal cord. Furthermore, activation of prostacyclin signaling diminished demyelination and motor function deficits in mice injected with LPC. These results support the notion that prostacyclin acts on pericytes to maintain BBB integrity, and disclose a novel therapeutic use of prostacyclin in CNS disorders.
久保田 義顕

In sprouting angiogenesis, a highly motile population of endothelial cells which positions the leading edge of the vasculature, namely"tip cells", leads outgrowth of blood vessels. Current consensus is that VEGF-A expressed in hypoxic astrocytes which binds VEGFR2 on tip cells regulates their sprouting and migrating activity, consequently ensuring proper vascular patterning and density. However recent genetic evidences imply that this paradigm cannot explain what actually happens. In this study, we found VEGF-A expressed in neurons but not astrocytes, which is not related to hypoxia, is required for radial growth of retinal vessels. Of particular interest, the most prominent abnormality of mice with inducible deletion of VEGFR2 in endothelial cells is impaired maturation but not sprouting or migration of tip cells. In summary, our data show the main in vivo function of the VEGF-A/VEGFR2 signaling in retinal vascularization is maturation of activated endothelial cells and is not associated with hypoxia.
Neuroimmune Communication in Retinopathy
Sapieha Mike Przemyslaw
Departments of Ophthalmology and Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital Research Centre, University of Montreal

Immunological activity in the CNS is largely dependent on an innate immune response and is present in health and heightened in diseases such as diabetic retinopathy, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease. The molecular dynamics governing immune cell recruitment to sites of injury and disease in the CNS remain ill-defined. We identify a subset of mononuclear phagocytes(MPs)that responds to local chemotactic cues that are conserved between central neurons, vessels and immune cells. We provide evidence that patients suffering from late stage proliferative diabetic retinopathy(PDR)produce elevated levels of Semaphorin 3A(SEMA3A)which counterintuitively acts as a potent attractant for Neuropilin-1(NRP-1)-positive MPs. These pro-angiogenic MPs are selectively recruited to sites of pathological neovascularization in response to locally produced SEMA3A as well as VEGF. NRP-1-positive MPs play a critical role in disease progression as NRP-1-deficient MPs(LysM-Cre/Nrp1fl/fl)fail to enter the retina in a model of oxygen-induced retinopathy(OIR)that serves as a proxy for PDR. This leads to decreased vascular degeneration and diminished pathological pre-retinal neovascularization. Intravitreal administration of a NRP-1-derived trap effectively mimics the therapeutic benefits observed in LysM-Cre/Nrp1fl/fl mice. Our findings identify NRP-1 as an obligate receptor for immune chemotaxis and accretion in neovascular retinal disease. Understanding the signals that influence neuroimmune interplay may provide valuable therapeutic insight for treatments to counter destructive neuroinflammation.
藤生 克仁

森戸 大介1,小谷 友理1,西川 幸希2,山崎 悟3,高島 成二4,平田 普三5,藤吉 好則2,永田 和宏1

モヤモヤ病は日本人を始めとする東アジア人に多い脳血管疾患で、脳底部での血管の狭窄・閉塞と、側副血行路からの出血を主な病態としている。日本人患者のうち約10~15%が家族性の発症を示すことから、長年、遺伝因子の関与が疑われてきたが、我々は2011年に初めてのモヤモヤ病感受性遺伝子としてmysterin/RNF213をクローニングし、生理機能解析を続けてきた。mysterinは591 kDaの巨大タンパク質をコードしており、このタンパク質はユビキチンリガーゼ活性とAAA+型ATPアーゼ活性を有し、細胞内ではリボソームに近い大きさの巨大複合体を形成していた。mysterin遺伝子の発現抑制はゼブラフィッシュにおいて血管・神経の形成異常を引き起こしたことから、この遺伝子が正常な血管・神経発生に必須の因子であることが明らかとなった。mysterinの分子構造・生理機能およびmysterinのミスセンス変異が疾患を引き起こす機序について議論したい。