相澤 秀紀

手綱核は前脳と脳幹部を連絡する中継回路を構成し、その活動が脳幹部セロトニン産生細胞やドーパミン産生細胞の発火活動を修飾することから脳内モノアミン代謝の制御中枢として知られてきた。近年、機能画像研究によるうつ病患者手綱核の異常血流上昇や手綱核の脳深部刺激療法による難治性うつ病の改善例が報告されたことから、手綱核過剰活性化が気分障害の病態生理学に関与している可能性が急速に注目を集めている。一方で、このような脳局所の機能異常が行動異常を引き起こすのに充分か否かは未だ不明なままであり、分子レベルでの解析が可能なモデル動物を用いた研究が待たれている。この問題を解決するため、最近我々は手綱核過剰興奮とうつ病様行動異常の因果関係についてマウスを用いて検討している。手綱核の興奮性神経伝達はグルタミン酸を介して行われており、細胞外グルタミン酸濃度の制御は主にアストロサイトが発現するグルタミン酸輸送体GLT-1が担っている。そこで、手綱核過剰活性化を引き起こすため、ウイルスベクターとfloxed GLT-1マウスを組み合わせて手綱核特異的GLT-1欠損マウスを作成した。GLT-1を欠損したマウスの手綱核神経細胞は対照群より高い発火率を示し、手綱核局所の興奮性が亢進していた。行動学的解析の結果、手綱核特異的GLT-1欠損マウスは尾懸垂試験における絶望状態時間の延長及び、Novelty-suppressed feedingや社会回避試験などの葛藤下行動異常の増悪が観察された。興味深い事に、手綱核特異的GLT-1欠損マウスはうつ病の中間表現型として知られるレム睡眠時間の延長を示していた。以上の結果は、手綱核のグリア細胞機能不全による手綱核過剰興奮が、うつ病様行動異常を引き起こした事を示唆している。本シンポジウムでは、これらの結果を踏まえて脳局所興奮性の病的変化が行動異常を引き起こすメカニズムについて議論したい。
後藤 幸織1,李 英娥2

The habenula is an important brain structure in regulation of neurotransmission of monoamines such as dopamine and serotonin. Inhibitory influence over dopamine neuron activity in the midbrain nuclei and its release in target brain areas such as the prefrontal cortex and striatum has been shown. Accordingly, deficits in the habenula has been implicated in a number of psychiatric disorders. We recently found that lesion of the habenula by neurotoxin at very early developmental stage of rodents causes behavioral alterations resembling the symptoms of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder(ADHD), i.e. hyperactivity, impulsivity, and attention deficit, primarily during the juvenile period, suggesting that habenula deficit may underlie the pathogenesis of ADHD. Although evidence of haenula deficit in ADHD is still thin, accumulating evidence suggests that habenula deficits may be involved in mood disorders such as major depressive disorder(MDD). In this regard, we propose that ADHD and MDD may be psychiatric disorders that have oppositional relationships with each other, with hypo- and hyper-activity of the habenula causing hyperactivity and psychomotor retardation, respectively.
天羽 龍之介1,2,Felipe Fredes1,木下 雅恵1,青木 亮1,3,相澤 秀紀1,揚妻 正和1,青木 田鶴1,白木 利幸1,柿沼 久哉1,松田 勝4,山崎 昌子1,鷹架 美賀子1,東島 眞一5,宮坂 信彦6,小出 哲也6,矢吹 陽一6,吉原 良浩6,岡本 仁1,2

Anticipation of danger at first elicits panic in animals but later it helps them to avoid the real threat adaptively(e.g. active avoidance). The neural circuit enabling such proactive use of danger expectation is unknown. A candidate site responsible for active avoidance is the lateral habenula(LHb). In mammals, LHb neurons are suggested to have a role in transmitting anti-reward and aversive information. The Hb is conserved in vertebrates, and the zebrafish homolog of the mammalian LHb, the ventral habenula(vHb)has a simple structure including an exclusive direct projection to the serotonergic median raphe(MR). Using adult zebrafish as a model, we found that tetanus toxin mediated genetic inhibition of synaptic transmission from the vHb to the MR impaired active avoidance learning, while Pavlovian fear conditioning remained intact. in vivo electrophysiolosy(loose-patch recording)from genetically labeled vHb neurons during pavlovian fear conditioning showed that the vHb neuronal activity generated an expectation signal for a dangerous context. Accordingly, artificially triggering an expectation signal by optogenetic stimulation of vHb neurons in free-moving fish evoked place avoidance. We also found that optogenetic stimulation of the vHb axons in acute slice activated genetically labeled serotonergic neurons in the raphe. Thus, the vHb-MR circuit is essential for presenting danger expectation and programming active avoidance. These results reveal how perceived risk in the environment is communicated to the serotonin system to avoid potential hazard.
山口 隆司1,檀上 輝子1,アイラ パスタン2,疋田 貴俊1,中西 重忠1

The posterior septum consisting of the triangular septum(TS)and the bed nucleus of the anterior commissure(BAC)is predominantly linked with the medial habenula(MHb)and has been implicated in the control of anxiety and fear responses. However, its anatomical and functional linkage has largely remained elusive. We established a transgenic model mouse in which the TS and BAC projection neurons were visualized by GFP fluorescence and selectively eliminated by immunotoxin-mediated cell targeting. The linkage between the TS/BAC and the MHb constitutes 2 parallel pathways composed of the TS-ventral MHb-the core part of the interpeduncular nucleus(IPN), and the BAC-dorsal MHb-the peripheral part of the IPN. Ablation of the TS and BAC projection neurons selectively impaired anxiety and enhanced fear responses and learning, respectively. Inputs from the TS and BAC to the MHb are thus segregated by 2 parallel pathways and play specialized roles in controlling emotional behaviors.