Quantitative analysis of phosphorylation of GAP-43 in axon regeneration after peripheral nerve injury
岡田 正康1,2,3,河嵜 麻実1,2,吉田 豊4,藤井 幸彦3,五十嵐 道弘1,2
1新潟大学超域学術院,2新潟大学大学院 医歯学総合研究科 分子細胞機能学分野,3新潟大学脳研究所 脳神経外科学分野,4新潟大学大学院医歯学総合研究科 腎研究施設 構造病理学分野

GAP-43 is one of the good molecular markers for axonal regeneration after injury. However, until now, we did not know the molecular mechanisms of axonal regeneration related to GAP-43. We performed the phosphoproteomics using the growth cone membrane fraction and identified several novel phosphorylation sites of GAP-43. We established the specific antibodies against th GAP-43 is one of the good molecular markers for axonal regeneration after injury. However, until now, we did not know the molecular mechanisms of axonal regeneration related to GAP-43. We performed the phosphoproteomics using the growth cone membrane fraction and identified several novel phosphorylation sites of GAP-43. We established the specific antibodies against these sites(in preparation). To evaluate one of them, the anti-phospho-GAP-43(Ser96)antibody, as a marker of the axonal regeneration in vivo, we performed the following experiments. We performed a standard protocol for the sciatic nerve axon injury using adult C57B6N mice(J Neurosci Methods 227(2014)). We evaluated the crush nerves on day 1 after injury, day 3, and uninjured control nerves, by western blotting and immunohistochemistry using anti-phospho-GAP-43(Ser96)antibody. As for the regeneration assay, we adopted the confocal micrographs along the longitudinal nerve section and used Regeneration Index, which is designated by the measured distance, from the crush site(point A)to the site at which pSer96-GAP-43 intensity level is half of that at point A(Shin J.E. et al. Neuron 74(2012)). In addition, we extracted the petptides from a polyacrylamide gel as“Western blotting”procedure, and the phosphorylation of GAP-43 in regenerating axons after injury were detected by LC/MS/MS analysis. The western blots showed the high intensity of pSer96-GAP-43 staining in the crushed nerve(day3)and the very low intensity in the control nerve. Immunohistochemistry revealed the co-localization of pSer96-GAP-43 with TUJ-1 at the injury site and the very low staining of pSer96-GAP-43 in the control nerve.
Nerve regeneration and functional recovery after spinal cord injury by an endogenous Nogo receptor antagonist, LOTUS
廣川 智子1,栗原 裕司1,五嶋 良郎2,竹居 光太郎1

After spinal cord injury(SCI), primates, such as humans, hardly recover the locomotor function, and the basic therapy has never been established before. But rodents, such as mice and rats, show a partial spontaneous recovery of the locomotor function. However, the factors associated with this partial improvement of nerve regeneration after SCI in rodents remain completely unknown. It has been considered that limitation of neuronal regeneration is mainly caused by axon growth inhibitors such as Nogo proteins, myelin-associated glycoprotein, oligodendrocyte myelin glycoprotein, chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans and B lymphocyte stimulator and a common receptor of these ligands, Nogo receptor-1(NgR1). We previously identified lateral olfactory tract usher substance(LOTUS)serving as an endogenous NgR1 antagonist. LOTUS suppressed axonal growth inhibition induced by interaction between these NgR1 ligands and NgR1. Therefore, LOTUS may be useful in future therapeutic approaches as an endogenous potent inhibitor of NgR1 for promoting neuronal regeneration. First, we found that lotus-deficient mice showed delayed locomotor functional recovery of behavioral outcome in BMS locomotor scores, footprint and grid walking test after SCI, suggesting that LOTUS may be involved in spontaneous recovery after SCI. Next, we also found that LOTUS expression is down-regulated in injured site of wild type mice. The down-regulation of LOTUS expression well associated with decrease of locomotor activity after SCI. Then, we hypothesized that supply of LOTUS could promote spontaneous recovery. To examine effects of overexpression of LOTUS on the recovery of the locomotor function after SCI, we generated the SCI animal model using lotus-transgenic(LOTUS-Tg)mice overexpressing LOTUS in neurons. We clearly found functional recovery of behavioral outcome in BMS locomotor scores, footprint and grid walking test in LOTUS-Tg mice. These findings suggest that LOTUS may contribute to promotion of functional recovery after SCI.
プロトカドヘリンγは大脳皮質抑制性神経細胞の分布及び機能を制御するGamma Protocadherins regulate cortical interneuron migration and function.
有賀 理瑛1,平山 晃斉1,吉武 講平2,足澤 悦子3,吉村 由美子3,澁木 克栄2,八木 健1

Klf5 suppresses the differentiation and migration but promotes the proliferation of neural precursor cells
黒田 杏理1,中路 景太1,渕上 孝裕1,依馬 正次2,等 誠司1

Klf5 is one of Kruppel-like transcription factors(Klfs), which contain a zinc finger domain and are homologues of Kruppel that is involved in segmentation of the thorax and abdomen during early development in Drosophila. Klf5 shares functions with Klf2 and Klf4, one of critical factors for the induction of iPS cells. Klf2, Klf4, and Klf5 constitute a core circuitry in the self-renewal of ES cells and iPS cell and maintain undifferentiated state. Additionally, Klf4 and Klf5 have been extensively studied in cell growth and cell cycle. Klf5 positively regulates cell growth and cell cycle, whereas Klf4 seems to exhibit the opposite effects. Recent studies suggest that Klf4 is involved in neural development and plays an important role in the maintenance of neural precursor cells(NPCs). However, function of Klf5 in the neurogenesis remains unclear. We have investigated the role of Klf5 in the neural development and found that knockdown of Klf5 in the mammalian developing brain promotes the differentiation and migration of NPCs. In addition, we observed that knockdown of Klf5 in NPCs decreased the incorporation of EdU than control, whereas the proliferation of NPCs was not altered by knockdown of Klf4. Our results suggest that both Klf4 and Klf5 act synergistically to suppress the differentiation and migration of NPCs but that Klf5 plays more important roles in the proliferation of NPCs than Klf4.
小脳顆粒細胞における分裂面と娘細胞の運命決定メカニズムの解析Analysis of cleavage plane and daughter cell fate of cerebellar granule cell precursors
足立 透真1,2,宮下 聡1,井上 貴文2,星野 幹雄1

 複雑な中枢神経系の発生において、神経前駆細胞の増殖と分化が適切なタイミング・バランスで制御されることは、非常に重要である。これまでの研究から、大脳皮質や脊髄においては、母細胞の分裂する方向によって、娘細胞の未分化性の維持や分化への移行などの運命の決定が支配されることがわかっている。しかしながら、母細胞の分裂軸を決定する因子や、娘細胞の運命決定を行うタンパクに関しては、未だ詳細にはわかっていないため、中枢神経系の分裂軸と運命決定の相関の詳細なメカニズムを解明することは、神経科学の極めて重要な課題のひとつである。我々はこれらの課題を解明するために、小脳顆粒細胞前駆体(GCPs)をモデルに研究を行った。GCPsは菱脳唇に由来し、胎生後期から生後にかけて小脳の表層面において外顆粒層(EGL)を形成する。GCPsはEGLの表層側(oEGL)で増殖を繰り返すことにより、その数を爆発的に増加させ、増殖を繰り返したGCPsは、その後、細胞周期を停止し、EGLの実質側(inner EGL)に移動して顆粒細胞(GCs)に分化する。しかしながら、GCPsの分裂軸の変化やその後の運命決定との相関に関しては未だ解析されていない点が多い。そこで、本研究において我々は、小脳における分裂軸とその後の運命決定の相関を示すことを試みた。初めに我々は、GCPsにおいて分裂軸の偏りが存在するかを観察した。P9のICRのsagittal sectionで脳切片を作成し、分裂中のGCPsを観察したところ、分裂面が軟膜面に対して並行である場合(Horizontal)が、分裂面が軟膜面に対して垂直である場合(Vertical)に比べて、明らかに多いことを観察した。次に各stageにおいて分裂面の偏りを観察した結果、分裂面はstageが若い間はHorizontalであり、歳を経るごとにVerticalに移行していくことがわかった。Coronal Sectionで脳切片を作成し観察した場合も、同様な傾向が見られたことから、GCPsは、発生の初期においてはHorizontalに分裂し、発生が進むにつれてVertical面に分裂するという傾向を示すことが明らかとなった。また、分裂軸と運命決定の相関を示すデータも得られたので、併せて報告する。