Analyses of mitochondrial changes in dysmyelinated axons
グエン フィバング1,ゼン ホアイ1,トゥック タイ1,バオ ウー1,齊藤 成1,齊藤 百合花1,池中 一裕2,大野 伸彦1
1山梨大学大学院総合研究部 医学域 基礎医学系 解剖分子組織学教室,2生理学研究所 分子神経生理研究部門

In the nervous system, many axons are ensheathed by myelin, and dysmyelination disorders are congenital defects in myelin which often lead to loss of myelin called demyelination and axonal degeneration. Although mitochondria are important for axonal functions and survival, mechanisms and roles of mitochondrial alterations in dysmyelinated axons remained elusive. In this study, mitochondrial alterations in the dysmyelinated axons were studied in PLP transgenic mice with overexpression of proteolipid proteins(PLPtg)[1]. With serial block-face scanning electron microscopy(SBF-SEM), the volume ratio of mitochondria(mitochondrial volume/axonal volume)at 1 month old(m.o.)is similar in myelinated axons of WT and PLPtg. The volume ratio is significantly increased in demyelinated axons but not in myelinated axons of 3 m.o. PLPtg, primarily by increasing the mitochondrial number. By contrast, at 5m.o. when most optic nerve axons are demyelinated in PLPtg, volume of each mitochondrion but not mitochondrial number is dramatically increased in the demyelinated axons, whereas cristae morphology of the large mitochondria was well maintained. Finally, we established organotypic cerebellar slice cultures, and observed robust myelination in WT slices and gradual myelin loss in PLPtg slices during maintenance. These results demonstrate acute mitochondrial accumulation and chronic mitochondrial enlargement upon myelin loss in dysmyelinated axons, and suggest that the enlargement is due to extensive mitochondrial fusion. The results also suggest that slice cultures can be useful to observe mitochondrial behaviour under dysmyelination in vitro. [1]Kagawa et al. Neuron 13(1994)427-42.
TPT1 regulates the proliferation and/or survival of Neural stem/progenitor cells
大多 茂樹1,河上 裕2,岡野 栄之1

MIF(Macrophage migration inhibitory factor)was identified as a functional molecule, which supports the proliferation and/or survival of murine neural stem/progenitor cells(NSPCs)using functional cloning strategy(S. Ohta et al., JSC. 2012). In the functional cloning procedure, we also identified a new factor, TPT1(Tumor Protein, Translationally-Controlled 1), which can increase the number of neurospheres. TPT1 is expressed in cultured NSPCs and the ventricular zone of mouse brain at embryonic day 14. Intriguingly, MIF-treated murine NSPCs increased the Tpt1 gene expression. Overexpression of murine Tpt1 in NSPCs increased the cell proliferation and the number of secondary neurospheres in vitro. In human ES-derived NSPCs, lentivirus-mediated gene silencing of MIF decreased the gene expression of TPT1, and over-expression of TPT1 increased the cell proliferation and in contrast, lentivirus-mediated gene silencing of TPT1 decreased the cell proliferation. In addition, the TPT1 gene silenced human ES-NSPCs showed the decrease of the S-phase fraction accompanied with the up-regulation of p21 and p27 gene expression, and increased the apoptotic activity. We also performed RNA sequencing and confirmed the gene expression changes of cell cycle related factors in the TPT1 gene silenced human ES-NSPCs. In addition, we tried to identify miRs regulated by TPT1 in human ES-derived NSPCs using Taqman array gene cards, and identified miR338-3p as a TPT1 down stream target. Finally, the TPT1-miR338-3p-SMO axis was newly identified as regulating the cell proliferation of human ES-NSPCs in vitro. Taken together, MIF-regulated TPT1 contributes to the proliferation and/or survival of NSPCs in both mouse and humans.
Role of Meis1 in the cerebellar granule cells
大輪 智雄1,田谷 真一郎1,宮下 聡1,西岡 朋生2,中村 卓郎3,五飯塚 僚4,貝淵 弘三2,星野 幹雄1
1国立精神神経・医療研究センター神経研究所病態生化学研究部,2名古屋大学大学院 医学系研究科 神経情報薬理学,3がん研究所 発がん研究部,4東京理科大学 生命医科学研究所 発生及び老化研究部門

 In the nervous system, there are a wide variety of neuronal cell types that have morphologically, physiologically, and histochemically different characteristics and this diversity may enable us to elicit higher brain function. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the developmental brain are largely unknown. The cerebellum is a good model system to study this issue because a variety of types of neurons are produced. In this study, we focused Myeloid ecotropic viral integration site 1(Meis1)that was expressed in the granule cells, Bergmann glias and ventricular zone of the developing cerebellum. To understand the function of Meis1, we generated Meis1 conditional knockout mice by crossing with Atoh1-Cre-Tg line, where Meis1 gene was specifically deleted in the granule cell lineage and by crossing with En1-Cre line, where Meis1 gene was specifically deleted in the whole cerebellum.In Meis1fl/fl;Atoh1-Cre-Tg mice, the size of the cerebellum was smaller than that of wild type littermates, yet the number of cerebellar lobules was increased in Meis1fl/fl;Atoh1-Cre-Tg mice. Interestingly, many Atoh1-positive cells were ectopically observed in deeper regions(parenchyma)of the postnatal cerebellum. These cells showed mitotic features and therefore we suspected they contributed to generating extra lobules. In Meis1fl/fl;En1-Cre mice, the size of the cerebellum was much smaller than that of wild type or Meis1fl/fl;Atoh1-Cre-Tg mice. Moreover, vermis and cerebellar lobules were disappeared. In contrast to wild type or Meis1fl/fl;Atoh1-Cre-Tg mice, defect of migration was observed in cerebellar granule cells. It has been reported that Bergmann glias regulate migration of granule cells. In Meis1fl/fl;En1-Cre mice, the abnormal position and morphology of Bergmann glias was observed.These results suggest that Meis1 plays important roles in development of granule cells and Bergmann glias, thereby Meis1 participates in correct development of cerebellum.
伊東 秀記,森下 理香,永田 浩一

Functional role of connexin43-mediated gap junctional intercellular communication in proliferation of neural stem/progenitor cells generated after neuronal degeneration in the hippocampal dentate gyrus of adult mouse
米山 雅紀,持田 浩希,山口 太郎,荻田 喜代一

Various neurological injuries are widely recognized as promoting endogenous neurogenesis in the hippocampal dentate gyrus(DG)of adulthood. Gap junction is composed of connexin(Cx)proteins, thereby forming a functional syncytium which is mainly implicated in maintaining tissue homeostasis. Our previous studies demonstrated that the systemic treatment with trimethyltin chloride(TMT)causes the granule cell loss in the mouse hippocampal DG, with being regenerated in the dentate granule cell after the neuronal loss. To elucidate functional roles of Cx in neuroregeneration after neuronal degeneration, we determined the expression of Cx43 in the newly generated cells following neurodegeneration in the DG of adult mouse. In addition, we examined the effect of carbenoxolone(CBX, gap-junction blocker)on proliferation of the neural stem/progenitor cells(NPCs)derived from the adult mouse DG after neuronal degeneration. In vivo experiments, mice were given TMT(2.9 mg/kg, i.p.)to prepare slices for immunohistochemical analyses using antibody against nestin(NPCs marker)and Cx43. Cells positive for nestin and Cx43 markedly increased in the DG on day 3 to 7 after TMT treatment. In vitro experiments, immunostaining revealed that Cx43 was co-localized with most of nestin-positive cells. Exposure of the cells to CBX significantly attenuated the cell proliferation in a concentration-dependent manner. Moreover, CBX had no effect on lactate dehydrogenase release during the culture condition. Taken together, our results suggest that Cx43-mediated gap junctional intercellular communication has a critical role in proliferation of the NPCs generated following neuronal degeneration in the DG.