Analysis of Unconventional Myosin VI Expressed in Oligodendrocyte
山崎 礼二,山口 宜秀,石橋 智子,馬場 広子

Myelin is a specialized multilamellar structure involved in various functions in the nervous system. Motor proteins are required for myelin formation and maintenance. Recently, we revealed that unconventional myosin ID(Myo1d)is expressed in mature oligodendrocytes(OLs)(Yamazaki et al., 2014)and is required for myelin-like-membrane formation in vitro. Other motor proteins, unconventional myosin Va(Myo5a)has been reported to control morphology of OLs(Sloane and Vartanian, 2007). In the transcriptome database of OLs, unconventional myosin VI(Myo6)mRNA has also been found in O4-positive differentiated OLs(Cahoy et al., 2008). However, it is uncertain whether Myo6 protein is present in OLs is uncertain. In this study, to clarify the expression of Myo6 in OLs, we performed immunofluorescence analysis of adult mouse brain and cultured OLs. Myo6 was expressed in the CC1-positive OL in the adult corpus callosum and cerebellum. To compare the temporal expression patterns of Myosin Superfamily in vitro, immunostaining using anti-Myo1d, Myo5a, Myo6 and each stage specific OL marker antibody was performed. In cultured OLs, Myo6 and Myo5a signals were detected in all stages of differentiation from A2B5-positive early progenitor to mature OL while Myo1d was found only in mature OLs. Further, Myo6-positive signals were distributed in cell body and processes, but not detected in MBP-positive membrane sheets. This localization was similar to those of other two myosins. However, Myo6 colocalized with recycling endosome marker, transferrin receptor and clathrin adaptor AP2 in the cell body of cultured OL. These results indicate that Myo6 is one of the unconventional myosin in OL, which may be involved in the AP-2 dependent endocytosis.
Toll-like receptor 4活性化ミクログリアはP2Y2受容体を介して血管内皮細胞増殖因子(VEGF)およびアクチビンAの発現誘導を亢進させる
白榊 紘子1,秀 和泉1,神垣 真由美1,柳瀬 雄輝2,白藤 俊彦1,田中 茂1,秀 道広2,酒井 規雄1

ミクログリアは神経変性疾患や脳梗塞など多くの脳疾患において活性化が認められており、神経組織に対して傷害的にも保護的にも働くことが示されているが、その機序には不明の点が多い。我々はこれまでに、ラット初代培養ミクログリアにはリポポリサッカライド(LPS)刺激によるToll-like receptor(TLR)4活性化により細胞死を起こす集団と長期生存する集団が存在すること、さらに、これらの生存ミクログリアは神経細胞との共培養により神経細胞死を抑制することから神経保護的な役割を演じる可能性を明らかにしてきた。一方、細胞内に豊富に存在するATPやUTPなどのヌクレオチドは、刺激や傷害により細胞外へ放出され、プリン(P2)受容体を介してミクログリアの活性を強力に調節するが、生存ミクログリアの神経保護作用にどのような影響を及ぼすのかは明らかではない。そこで、ミクログリアが産生する神経保護因子としてアクチビン―Aと血管内皮細胞増殖因子(VEGF)に注目し、これらの保護因子の産生制御における細胞外ヌクレオチドの役割を検討した。初代ラットミクログリアにLPS刺激を行うと、アクチビン、VEGFの遺伝子発現上昇とともに、P2Y2受容体およびP2Y14受容体のmRNA発現上昇が引き起こされた。P2Y2受容体アゴニストであるUTPはLPS刺激によるアクチビンおよびVEGFのmRNA発現を著しく促進し、これらの発現亢進はP2Y2受容体アンタゴニストであるAR-C118925XXにより有意に抑制された。したがって、ミクログリアのTLR4活性化はP2Y2受容体の発現を誘導し、UTPはP2Y2受容体を介してアクチビンおよびVEGFの遺伝子発現を促進させることが示された。これらの結果より、P2Y2受容体はTLR4活性化ミクログリアの神経保護作用において重要な役割を果たす可能性が明らかとなった。
Carbon monoxide is essential for Shwann cell responses to peripheral nerve injury
Um Hyeong Seok1,Kim Mu Woong1,Jo Hyun Woo1,Jung Junyang1,Jeong Na Young2
1Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, College of Medicine, Biomedical Science Institution, Kyung Hee University,2Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, College of Medicine, Dong-A University

 Heme oxygenase(HO;encoded by HMOX genes)is a microsomal enzyme that metabolizes to heme and produces biliverdin, carbon monoxide(CO), and iron(Fe)protoporphyrin. HMOX genes are expressed by most living organisms including bacteria, algae, plants, insects, and mammals, suggesting that the need for heme catabolism by HO occurred early during evolution. Till date, three isoforms of HO(HO-1, HO-2, and HO-3)have been identified. HO-1 expression is induced ubiquitously in response to oxidative stress, whereas HO-2 is constitutively expressed and not inducible. Previous studies revealed that CO can modulate a variety of physiological processes, including gasotransmitter. Similar to CO, H2S is the most recently described gasotransmitter and is essential for Schwann cell responses to peripheral nerve injury. However, the inhibition effect of CO on peripheral nerve injury is still unknown. Thus, we examined role of CO on peripheral nerve injury. First, we visualized stripes at sciatic nerve through explant cultrure, by the use of HO-inhibitor like SnPP(stannum protoporphyrin or tin protoporphyrin), SnMP(stannum mesoporphyrin or tin mesoporphyrin)which is a strong proof of delayed in wallerian degeneation. Increased HO-1 and HO-2 mRNA expression in injuryed sciatic nerve also support the result of explant culture. Western blotting analysis also demonstrated the upregulated HO-1 and HO-2 expression on the sciatic nerve injuryed side as compared to that of control sample. Immunostained slide of teased nerve fibers also showed the ovoid formation in injuryed sample.
Our experimental evidence based upon ex-vivo sciatic nerve explant culture, quantitive RT-PCR and western blotting data, IHC strongly suggest that the inhibition of HO production prevented the process of axonal degradation and demyelination including myelin fragmentation, dedifferentiation, Schwann cell proliferation in vitro. Thus, these results indicate that HO is essential for Schwann cell responses to peripheral nerve injury
鈴木 正泰1,Clara Locatelli2,Thomas Hoogenboezem3,Sara Poletti2,Harm de Wit3,Annemarie Wijkhuijs3,Sara Dallaspezia2,Cristina Colombo2,内山 真1,Hemmo Drexhage3,Francesco Benedetti2

【方法】対象は、双極性うつ病(双極I型障害、大うつ病エピソード)の連続入院症例25名。入院時に採血を行い、インターロイキン(IL)-1β、IL-2、IL-6、IL-8、IL-10、インターフェロン(IFN)-γ、腫瘍壊死因子(TNF)-αの血清中濃度を測定した。採血と同日に、睡眠の質(Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index:PSQI)、うつ病症状(Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology,Clinician Ratings:IDS-C)の評価を行った。各サイトカインの血清中濃度と睡眠の質(PSQI得点)および睡眠症状(IDS-Cの不眠および過眠項目の得点)との関連を重回帰分析にて検討した。
Involvement of hypothalamic-adrenal-pituitary axis in the mechanism of transcriptome-wide identified differentially expressed genes for depression
堀 弘明1,2,篠山 大明1,寺石 俊也1,山本 宜子1,中村 誠二3,太田 深秀1,服部 功太郎1,金 吉晴2,樋口 輝彦4,功刀 浩1

We recently reported a microarray-based study of blood gene expression signatures in depressed patients, where several differentially expressed genes were identified and prioritized by bioinformatics analyses(Hori et al., 2016). These genes included VAMP2, CRHR2 and FKBP4, all previously implicated in the regulation of hypothalamic-adrenal-pituitary(HPA)axis. Given that HPA axis dysregulation is a hallmark of depression, these genes may be involved in the pathophysiology of depression by affecting HPA axis. Here, we examined associations of expression levels of the three genes with HPA axis reactivity in depressed patients and healthy controls. This study utilized pooled samples described in our previous reports(Sasayama et al., 2013;Hori et al., 2016)consisting of 43 depressed outpatients(mean age:39.8 years, 22 women)who were at least moderately ill and 44 healthy controls(39.5 years, 19 women). Agilent human whole genome 4×44K arrays had been used for transcriptome profiling, from which expression levels of VAMP2, CRHR2 and FKBP4 were derived. HPA axis function was assessed by the combined dexamethasone(Dex)/CRH test based on a simple test protocol, in which cortisol levels 1h after CRH challenge(17h after 1.5mg Dex intake)were used as a single outcome measure. Correlations between gene expression levels and log-transformed cortisol concentrations were examined in each diagnostic group. In patients, significant negative correlations between cortisol reactivity and VAMP2(p=0.00002), CRHR2(p=0.0004)and FKBP4(p=0.00003)expressions were found, all of which held after controlling for age, sex and batch effects. In contrast, no significant correlations were seen in controls. These results indicated that lower expressions of VAMP2, CRHR2 and FKBP4 were associated with HPA axis over-activation in depression in a diagnosis-specific manner. As the three previously prioritized genes had been down-regulated in depression(Hori et al., 2016), they may be involved in the pathogenesis of depression by causing reduced negative feedback inhibition of HPA axis.
Subchronic rotigotine treatment affects expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in the cortex and hippocampus in rats
安達 直樹1,2,吉村 文1,千葉 秀一1,小川 眞太朗1,功刀 浩1
1国立精神・神経医療研究センター・神経研・疾病三部,2関西学院大学 理工学部 生命医化学科

Rotigotine is a non-ergot dopamine agonist that has been showed to alleviate the symptoms of Parkinson's disease and restless legs syndrome. Although PI3 kinase Akt activation and glycogen synthase kinase-3-beta(GSK-3-β)inactivation were reported in rotigotine-treated mouse mesencephalic primary culture, its effects on neuronal function and connectivity in vivo are still unclear.To investigate the effects of rotigotine on neuronal functions in vivo, rats were administered rotigotine(5 mg/kg/day)for 7days, and protein expression levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor(BDNF), its receptor TrkB and downstream signaling molecules, and synaptic proteins were determined. We found increased BDNF expression in the cortex and hippocampus of rats, and synaptic proteins levels were also changed by the rotigotine administration. Our results indicate that BDNF functions might be involved in the molecular mechanisms underlying the medical effects of rotigotine.
大谷 佐知1,湊 雄介1,前田 誠司1,田中 宏一1,早川 徹2,岡村 春樹2,八木 秀司1

哺乳動物の生殖機能は視床下部-下垂体-性腺軸によって調節されており、その中枢神経制御において性腺刺激ホルモン放出ホルモン(GnRH)ニューロンが重要な役割を担う。GnRHニューロンは視床下部視索前野を中心に局在し、軸索終末を正中隆起にのばし、下垂体前葉に向けてホルモンを分泌する。GnRHニューロンにおけるGnRHの合成や分泌は脳内炎症やストレスなど生体内外の環境変化の影響を受けることが知られているが、詳細なメカニズムについては分かっていない。インターロイキン18(IL-18)は、インターフェロン-γの産生を誘導する因子として発見された炎症性サイトカインである。IL-18は不活性な前駆体(pro-IL-18)として細胞内で産生・貯蔵され、活性化と細胞外への放出にはcaspase-1による修飾が必要となる。pro-IL-18、IL-18はともに損傷やストレスにより脳内で増加することが報告されている。ストレス下においてIL-18は神経系に影響を及ぼすと考えられるが、脳内のIL-18産生細胞や受容体発現細胞の同定は詳細になされておらず、IL-18の神経細胞に対する役割や作用機序について不明な点が多い。我々は視床下部神経内分泌ニューロンに対するIL-18の作用を明らかにする一環として、視床下部とその周辺部においてIL-18と結合するIL-18受容体(IL-18R)α鎖の分布を免疫組織化学法により検索した。その結果、IL-18Rα陽性細胞は、約60%のGnRHニューロンに発現することが明らかとなり、IL-18はGnRHニューロンに直接作用し、生体内でストレス等による内分泌機能への影響の一端を担っている可能性が示唆された。さらにIL-18のGnRHニューロンに対する作用をin vitroで明らかにするために、マウス視床下部由来のGnRHニューロン不死化細胞株であるGT1-7細胞を用いてIL-18関連遺伝子の発現をRT-PCR法により検索したところ、IL-18R、IL-18、caspase-1 mRNAの発現が認められた。GT1-7細胞にはIL-18の発現がみられたことから、ELISA法によりGT1-7細胞の培養上清中のIL-18濃度を測定したが、IL-18は検出されなかった。このことから、GT1-7細胞はIL-18RとIL-18を発現し、非ストレス下においてはIL-18を分泌していないことが分かった。現在、GT1-7細胞とIL-18の関係についてストレスの影響を検討している。