TOPPlenary Lecture
Plenary Lecture 2
Molecular Development, Disease, Regeneration, and Subtype-Specific Growth Cone Molecular Machinery of Cerebral Cortex Projection Neurons
Macklis Jeffrey D.
Max and Anne Wien Professor of Life Sciences, Dept. of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology and Center for Brain Science, Harvard University, USA

I will discuss a set of inter-related and intersecting molecular biologies of the mammalian cerebral cortex- its fundamental molecular development, controls over immense neuronal diversity and development-maintenance of specific circuitry, developmental relationships to degenerative diseases of projection neurons, new routes to neuronal regeneration, and subtype- and stage-specific growth cone control over distinct circuit wiring-development, diversity, and potentially disease and regeneration through ~autonomous local RNA and protein machinery. These linked directions elucidate how specific brain circuitry of the cortex is generated at the cellular and axon guidance-synapse formation levels; what goes wrong in the cortex with specificity in human disease including ALS, autism, and intellectual disabilities; how we might prevent degeneration with circuit specificity; and how to regenerate functional circuitry, e.g. in spinal cord injury. I will present investigations employing both mouse molecular genetics and cell biology, and toward directed differentiation of both newly identified, partially fate-restricted cortical projection neuron progenitors and human pluripotent stem cells, as complementary systems for investigation. This work informs basic understanding of the development, organization, function, “molecular logic”, evolution, and human disease vulnerability of the cerebral cortex, and has potential for discovering new routes to regeneration and other therapies for disease.