Sensory Disorders
7月28日(日)9:45~10:00 第10会場(万代島ビル 6F 会議室)
Yosuke Danjo(檀上 洋右)1,Yukiho J Hirayama(平山 J 幸歩)1,Eiji Shigetomi(繁冨 英治)1,Keisuke Shibata(柴田 圭輔)1,Kenta Takanashi(高梨 健太)1,Youichi Shinozaki(篠崎 陽一)1,Sun Kwang Kim(金 善行)2,Junichi Nabekura(鍋倉 淳一)2,Schuichi Koizumi(小泉 修一)1

Astrocytes play essential roles for the modulation of neural networks, and also have critical roles for the pathogenesis of neural disorders. Recently, we revealed that astrocytes in the primary somatosensory cortex (S1) have a critical role for the pathogenesis of neuropathic pain after partial sciatic nerve ligation (PSNL). In brief, PSNL generated Ca2+ excitation in S1 astrocytes, induced synaptogenesis, thereby resulting in cross-wiring of innocuous and nocuous circuits. mGluR5 looked involved in the pathogenesis of neuropathic allodynia, however, we still do not know whether astrocytic mGluR5 is required or not. Here, we show that astrocytic mGluR5 in S1 is a cause of cortical rewiring and the pathogenesis. Firstly, we found that mGluR5 is almost absent but re-emerged in S1 astrocytes after PSNL. Second, we made brain astrocyte-specific mGluR5 knockout mice (astro-mGluR5-KO) by crossing floxed-Grm5 with Glast-Cre mice and validated them. In the adult Wt, mGluR5 is almost absent but reappears in S1 after PSNL. Such mGluR5 increase was no longer observed in astro-mGluR5-KO. Due to insufficient Cre-recombination, the spinal astrocytes in astro-mGluR5-KO looked intact. Third, PSNL-induced mechanical allodynia was abolished in astro-mGluR5-KO mice, suggesting that up-regulation of mGluR5 in S1 astrocytes should be required for induction of mechanical allodynia. Forth, mechanisms underlying astrocytic mGluR5-mediated allodynia were; (1) increase in Ca2+ activity, (2) expression of synaptogenic molecules such as glypican4 and hevin, (3) synapse formation, (4) persistent rewiring of incorrect S1 circuits. Hence, we conclude that astrocytic mGluR5 is a crucial molecule that triggers synaptogenesis in S1 after PSNL, which is the causative event for the pathogenesis of neuropathic pain.
7月28日(日)10:00~10:15 第10会場(万代島ビル 6F 会議室)
Takufumi Yanagisawa(栁澤 琢史)1,Ryohei Fukuma(福間 良平)2,3,Seymour Ben(ベン シーモア)4,5,Masataka Tanaka(田中 将貴)2,Koichi Hosomi(細見 晃一)2,8,Okito Yamashita(山下 宙人)6,7,Haruhiko Kishima(貴島 晴彦)2,Yukiyasu Kamitani(神谷 之康)3,9,Youichi Saitoh(齋藤 洋一)2,8

Background: Phantom limb pain often follows an amputation or deafferentation of a limb, such as brachial plexus root avulsion, and has a large impact on the patient's life. Our previous study demonstrated that training with a brain-machine interface (BMI) to control a robotic hand changed phantom limb pain by inducing plastic changes in the cortical representation of the phantom hand. However, it has not yet been demonstrated that BMI training has a long-term effect that can reduce pain by a clinically significant amount. Here, we assessed the efficacy of BMI treatment to reduce pain with a three-day training protocol.
Methods: Twelve patients with chronic phantom limb pain of an upper limb participated in a randomised crossover trial. Patients in the `real training' group were trained for three days to control a hand image by moving their phantom hands. A real decoder classified intact hand movements from these patients' cortical motor currents estimated by magnetoencephalographic signals. Patients in the `random training' control group were engaged with the same hand image, but the hand image was now controlled by randomly changing values. Pain, the main outcome from this study, was evaluated using the visual analogue scale (VAS) before and after each training session and for a further follow-up period of 17 days. Patients were alternatively assigned to the real training group or the random training group at enrolment.
Results: VAS scores (on the 1/100 mm scale) were significantly reduced for the real training group, from a mean [SD] of 45.3 [24.3] before the training session to 20.3 [18.4] after the training session on day 1, and from 34.1 [21.3] before to 17.3 [16.7] after the training session on day 2. The random training group did not experience these effects. Using day 1 as a baseline, VAS scores were significantly reduced after the real training by 41.6% on day 3, by 31.8% on day 4, and by 34.2% on day 8. These reductions in pain were significantly better than scores achieved after the random training. The significant decrease in decoding accuracy of the phantom hand was also correlated with pain reduction at day 4 (R=0.58).
Conclusions: BMI training in which patients refocused the movement of their phantom hand to control a hand image for three days significantly reduced pain for at least a week. We suggest that ongoing BMI training may further decrease phantom limb pain by gradually attenuating the phantom hand representation.
7月28日(日)10:15~10:30 第10会場(万代島ビル 6F 会議室)
Norikazu Kiguchi(木口 倫一)1,Daisuke Uta(歌 大介)2,Hitoshi Uchida(内田 仁司)3,Shinsuke Matsuzaki(松﨑 伸介)1,Shiroh Kishioka(岸岡 史郎)1

Itch (pruritus) is an uncomfortable sensation that evokes a desire to scratch. Given that itch is a key symptom of numerous systemic disorders, it is imperative to study the mechanisms underlying sensory processing of itch. Accumulating evidence indicate that gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) receptor-expressing (GRPR+) neurons in the spinal dorsal horn (SDH) are itch-responsive, but their regulatory mechanisms are not yet fully understood. Recently, we found that not only GRP but also glutamate directly activate GRPR+ neurons through AMPA receptors (AMPAR), and that those transmitters play fundamental roles in the spinal transmission of acute itch. Histaminergic and non-histaminergic acute itch are suppressed by either an antagonist for AMPAR, ablation of GRPR+ AMPAR+ neurons after bombesin-saporin treatment, or chemogenetic silencing of GRP+/Glu+ neurons using Cre-dependent Gi- designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs (Gi-DREADD). Here, we determined whether such systems play a pivotal role in pathological itch. To induce contact dermatitis or psoriasis, diphenylcyclopropenone (DCP) or imiquimod (IMQ) was applied to C57BL mice after having shaved on the back. The mRNA expression levels of GRP, GRPR, and AMPAR subunits in the cervical SDH were upregulated after DCP or IMQ application. DCP- or IMQ-induced scratching behaviors were significantly prevented by either ablation of GRPR+ AMPAR+ neurons or chemogenetic silencing of GRP+/Glu+ neurons. These results suggest that GRP-GRPR system and glutamate-AMPAR system in the SDH might cooperatively regulate not only acute but also pathological itch.
7月28日(日)10:30~10:45 第10会場(万代島ビル 6F 会議室)
Keisuke Koga(古賀 啓祐),Ryo Yamagata(山方 涼),Miho Shiratori-Hayashi(白鳥 美穂),Makoto Tsuda(津田 誠)

Chronic itch is a major symptom in various skin diseases, such as atopic and contact dermatitis, but its mechanism is not determined. We have previously shown that spinal dorsal horn (SDH) astrocytes become activated in mouse models of chronic itch and that astrocyte-derived lipocalin-2 (LCN2) is crucial for maintaining chronic itching. However, how LCN2 enhances spinal itch neurotransmission remains to be understood. In this study, we used Gastrin-releasing peptide receptor (Grpr)-EGFP mice to label itch-specific neurons in the SDH. Electrophysiological and immunohistochemical analyses showed that GRPR+ neurons were mainly excitatory and that most of excitatory GRPR+ neurons had a vertical cell-like morphology. To examine whether itch transmission in excitatory GRPR+ neurons is changed under a chronic itch condition, we used a model of contact dermatitis, in which diphenylcyclopropenone (DCP) was applied to the rostral back skin. According to a previous study, DCP-treated Grpr-EGFP mice exhibited spontaneous repetitive scratching behaviors, dermatitis and astrocytic activation in the cervical SDH. Under such conditions, GRP-induced depolarization of excitatory GRPR+ neurons was greatly potentiated. Genetic inhibition of signal transducer and activator transcription 3 (STAT3) in SDH astrocytes ameliorated astrocyte activation and chronic itch, and also normalized enhancement of GRP-induced depolarization of excitatory GRPR+ neurons in DCP-treated mice. Furthermore, co-application of LCN2 and GRP also potentiated GRP-induced depolarization of excitatory GRPR+ neurons. Our findings indicate that reactive astrocytes facilitate SDH itch transmission via upregulated LCN2 and contribute to chronic itch.