TOP若手道場口演(Wakate Dojo)
Wakate Dojo
Disorders of Nervous System 1
7月25日(木)9:00~9:20 第10会場(万代島ビル 6F 会議室)
iPS細胞を用いたfused in sarcoma (FUS) 変異筋萎縮性側索硬化症(ALS)運動ニューロンの軸索病態解明
Tetsuya Akiyama(秋山 徹也)1,Naoki Suzuki(鈴木 直輝)1,Mitsuru Ishikawa(石川 充)2,Jiro Kawada(川田 治良)3,7,Teruo Fujii(藤井 輝夫)3,Shio Mitsuzawa(光澤 志緒)1,Kensuke Ikeda(池田 謙輔)1,Ryo Funayama(舟山 亮)4,Keiko Nakayama(中山 啓子)4,Fumiyoshi Fujishima(藤島 史喜)5,Hiroaki Mitsuhashi(三橋 弘明)6,Hitoshi Warita(割田 仁)1,Hideyuki Okano(岡野 栄之)2,Masashi Aoki(青木 正志)1
7Jiksak Bioengineering

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a devastating adult onset neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the progressive loss of motor neurons (MNs). The long axon, which is the characteristic structure of MNs, are known to be degenerated precedes MN death in human pathology. Moreover, those "axonal dying back phenomenon" were confirmed in in vitro and in vivo ALS model. While the axonal mRNA profiles have been emphasized in neurodegenerative diseases, only a handful of studies have reported RNA profiling of MN axons till date, especially related with ALS pathology. We focus on the familial ALS (FALS) with fused in sarcoma (FUS) mutation which is the second most common FALS causative mutation in Japan. Because FUS play a multiple role in RNA metabolism including axonal RNA transport and axonal local translation, we hypothesized ALS-causative FUS mutation deteriorated axon of MNs. Combine the human-induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) and TALEN genome editing technologies, we constructed two sets of isogenic hiPSCs, with a single amino acid difference in ALS-causative FUS mutation. Subsequently, MNs were differentiated from hiPSCs by administering chemical compounds. We identified aberrant morphology in FUS-mutant hiPSCs-derived MN axons compared with isogenic controls as a novel phenotype. Moreover, we conducted RNA profiling of isolated axons from hiPSC-derived MNs by combining microfluidic devices that enable axon bundles to be produced for omics analysis. We identified whole axon profile using hiPSC-derived MNs and the causative factor which regulate the abnormal morphology in FUS-mutant MN axon. We progressed not only provides whole axon profile of human MNs, but also provides a new strategy to analyze axon pathology of neurodegenerative disease including ALS.
7月25日(木)9:20~9:40 第10会場(万代島ビル 6F 会議室)
精神神経疾患のトランスレーショナル研究ツールとしてのiMG(induced microglia-like)細胞の開発と応用
Masahiro Ohgidani(扇谷 昌宏),Takahiro A. Kato(加藤 隆弘),Shigenobu Kanba(神庭 重信)

我々の脳には、ニューロン以外にも数多くの細胞が存在している。その一種であるミクログリアは、脳内の微小な環境変化に敏速に反応し、貪食やサイトカイン産生等を行うことで脳内免疫応答の中心として機能している。また、その機能不全や異常活性化が疼痛性疾患やアルツハイマー病、精神神経疾患に至るまで様々な病態に関与していることが示唆されている。うつ病や統合失調症に代表される精神神経疾患は器質的な疾患と異なり、人間(ヒト)に特有の疾患とも言える。このヒト特有の疾患を研究するためには、当然ながらヒトの細胞を用いて実験する必要がある。しかし、そのハードルは極めて高い。脳に存在するミクログリアは生検が困難であるため、細胞レベルでの詳細な解析はこれまで不可能であった。そのような中、我々は末梢血中の単球からミクログリア様細胞(induced microglia-like cells: iMG細胞)を作製する技術開発に成功した(Ohgidani et al., Sci Rep, 2014; Ohgidani et al., Front Cell Neurosci, 2015)。iMG細胞は、単球にGM-CSF(顆粒球マクロファージコロニー刺激因子)とIL-34(インターロイキン34)の2種類のサイトカインを添加して2週間培養するだけで作製することが可能である。iPS細胞と異なり、遺伝子組み換えの操作を行わない化学誘導のみで作製が可能なため、簡便で安全性が高く、一般病院等の臨床施設においても作製が容易な点が特徴である。我々はこのiMG細胞を用いて那須·ハコラ病(Ohgidani et al., Sci Rep, 2014)や双極性障害(Ohgidani et al., Front Immunol, 2017)、線維筋痛症(Ohgidani et al., Sci Rep, 2017)といった疾患におけるミクログリア異常を報告してきた。本発表では、我々の開発したiMG細胞のトランスレーショナル研究ツールとしての有用性と可能性についてこれまでの結果を報告すると共に、現在行っている精神神経疾患研究も紹介する。 。
7月25日(木)9:40~10:00 第10会場(万代島ビル 6F 会議室)
Yoshitaka Kase(加瀬 義高)1,2,Takuya Shimazaki(島崎 琢也)1,Okano Hideyuki(岡野 栄之)1
2東京大学大学院医学系研究科 加齢医学講座

Neurogenesis in specific brain regions in adult mammals decreases with age. Progressive
reduction in the proliferation of neural stem and progenitor cells (NS/PCs) is a primary cause of
this age-associated decline. However, the mechanism responsible for this reduction is poorly
understood. We identify p38 MAPK as a key factor in the proliferation of neural progenitor cells
(NPCs) in adult neurogenic niches. p38 expression in adult NS/PCs is downregulated during
aging. Deletion of p38α in NS/PCs specifically reduces the proliferation of NPCs but not stem
cells. Conversely, forced expression of p38α in NS/PCs in the aged mouse subventricular zone
(SVZ) restores NPC proliferation and neurogenesis, and prevents age-dependent SVZ atrophy.
We also found that p38 is necessary for suppressing the expression of Wnt antagonists Dkk1 and sFRP3, which inhibit the proliferation of NPCs. Age-related reduction in p38 thus leads to decreased adult neurogenesis via downregulation of Wnt signaling.
p38 is a stress responsive MAP kinase, and its expression increases with aging and inflammation. Interestingly, we showed that the expression of p38 decreases in an age-dependent manner and the self-proliferation of NPCs is specifically impaired in the neurogenic area. Previous studies on neurogenesis via activation of NS/PC were mainly attempted to regenerate neurogenesis by the neurotrophic factor administration or the mesenchymal stem cell transplantations. In these cases, NSCs may be depleted. However, p38 promotes NPC-self-proliferation specifically. It does not cause the depletion of NSCs, and neurogenesis is occurred in the long term. Since the forced mobilization of NSCs may result in their exhaustion, new insights into how NPCs regulate their proliferative capacity will be necessary to enable the development of novel therapies for neurodegenerative and cerebrovascular diseases, which affect increasing numbers of individuals. Targeted manipulation of p38 MAPK signaling may provide unique opportunities for regenerative medicine approaches in diseases of the central nervous system.