TOP若手道場口演(Wakate Dojo)
Wakate Dojo
Disorders of Nervous System 2
7月25日(木)10:00~10:20 第10会場(万代島ビル 6F 会議室)
Yuta Takahashi(高橋 雄太)1,Masao Ueki(植木 優夫)2,Gen Tamiya(田宮 元)2,Hiroaki Tomita(富田 博秋)1,2

The accuracy of previous genetic studies in predicting depressive state using conventional models, such as polygenic risk scores (PRS) and genomic best linear unbiased prediction (GBLUP), was low. This is mainly due to insufficient power to distinguish truly susceptible variants from null variants and the resulting overfitting from overestimating the null variants. A novel prediction algorithm, Smooth-Threshold Multivariate Genetic Prediction (STMGP), was developed and applied to improve genome-based prediction of depressive state by decreasing overfitting by selecting variants and weighting the variants depending on the certainty of the selection. Prediction models were developed using a cohort of 3,685 subjects in Miyagi prefecture and tested with an independently recruited cohort of 3,048 subjects in Iwate prefecture, both of which were affected by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. Genotyping was performed using HumanOmniExpressExome BeadChip Arrays. Depressive states of the subjects were evaluated by the Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression Scale. The prediction accuracy and the degree of overfitting of STMGP were compared with those of the conventional models. The accuracy (predictive correlation coefficients) to predict depressive state in the validation cohorts of STMGP, 0.077 (P= 2.1×10-5), was higher than those of PRS, 0.033 (P=6.7×10-2), and GBLUP, -0.001 (P=0.96). The degree of overfitting was decreased in STMGP compared with PRS and GBLUP, as indicated by the apparent accuracy in predicting the depressive states in the training dataset using each algorithm (0.32, 0.90, and 0.95, respectively). STMGP achieved better prediction accuracy for depressive states based on genome data by decreasing overfitting.
7月25日(木)10:20~10:40 第10会場(万代島ビル 6F 会議室)
Mai Hatano(波多野 真依)1,Tomoyuki Miyazaki(宮崎 智之)1,Waki Nakajima(中島 和希)1,Yusuke Shibata(柴田 裕介)1,Tetsu Arisawa(有澤 哲)1,Susumu Jitsuki(實木 亨)1,Yuichi Kimura(木村 裕一)2,Hiroyuki Uchida(内田 裕之)3,Takuya Takahashi(高橋 琢哉)1

The glutamate α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid receptor(AMPAR) plays central roles in neuronal functions. However, clinical translation of AMPA knowledge is limited due to the inability to visualize AMPAR in the living human brain. Here we developed a positron emission tomography(PET) tracer for AMPARs, named [11C]K-2, and showed its specific binding to AMPARs.
We imaged patients with depression using [11C]K-2 PET. In order to observe quantitative alternation of [C11] K-2 PET signal, we prepared the SUVR30-50 min with white matter as a reference for the analysis of patients with depression. The SUVR images were detected decrease of wide range of brain areas of patients with depression in a depression status. While the SUVR images with depression in a remission status were back to normal level such as healthy subject images. Voxel wise analysis was performed with Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM) of the correlation between the SUVR30-50 min of [11C]K-2 and the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) total scores. We found that the prefrontal cortex, supplementary motor area and cerebellum exhibited most significant correlation (P<0.01) between the SUVR30-50 min of [11C]K-2 and MADRS total scores among brain areas.
Thus, a PET tracer for AMPARs has a potential to elucidate molecular pathogenesis and provide an objective diagnostic base of depression.

7月25日(木)10:40~11:00 第10会場(万代島ビル 6F 会議室)
Shinnosuke Yasugaki(安垣 進之助)1,2,Chih-Yao Liu(劉 至堯)1,3,Mitsuaki Kashiwagi(柏木 光昭)1,4,Mika Kanuka(鹿糠 実香)1,Takato Honda(本多 隆利)1,Shingo Miyata(宮田 信吾)1,5,Masashi Yanagisawa(柳沢 正史)1,Yu Hayashi(林 悠)1

うつ病は,主要な精神障害のひとつである.精神症状だけでなく身体症状も伴い,中でも睡眠障害はほとんどのうつ病患者にみられる重要な症状である.私たちの睡眠はレム睡眠とノンレム睡眠の2つに分けられるが,うつ病患者ではレム睡眠に何らかの変化が生じることが多く報告されている.一方,レム睡眠の生理的作用についてわかっていることはほとんどないため,うつ病にとってレム睡眠は有益なのか有害なのか,相反する仮説が長年にわたり対立している.そこで我々は,マウスを用いたアプローチによりこの論争に終止符を打つべく,その第一歩として,マウスのうつ病モデルにおける睡眠への影響を解析した.うつ病の発症に着目すると,代表的なリスク因子としてストレスが挙げられる.これまで,げっ歯類を用い,ストレス曝露が睡眠に及ぼす影響についての研究が数多くなされてきた.しかしながら,その曝露期間は最大10日間程度にすぎず,より長期間にわたりストレス曝露の影響を検討した研究はほとんどない.そこで本研究では,マウスのうつ病モデルとして,3週間にわたる拘束水浸ストレスを用い,睡眠への影響を解析した.その結果,ストレス曝露後,睡眠覚醒サイクルにさまざまな変化が生じた.特に,レム睡眠において著しい変化がみられ,レム睡眠量,睡眠全体に占めるレム睡眠の割合,レム睡眠のエピソード回数が増加した.これらの変化は主に,夜行性であるマウスの活動時間帯にあたる暗期に生じていた.さらに,ストレス曝露初期に顕著である一方で,途中から鈍化するなど,曝露期間の「初期」と「後期」において異なる応答のしかたを示すものでもあった.こうした特徴は,長期間にわたるストレス曝露によるうつ病モデルを用いたことで初めて発見に至ったものである.本研究の成果は,うつ病発症におけるレム睡眠の担う役割を明らかにしていく上で,重要な基盤となることが期待される. .