Symposium : New Insights in Understanding Glia-Neuron Communication by Young Investigators
2020/9/12 9:00~9:20 Zoom B
Mechanisms of astrocyte-mediated ischemic tolerance

*平山 友里1,2、小泉 修一2、安西 尚彦1
1. 千葉大学、2. 山梨大学
*Yuri Hirayama1,2, Schuichi Koizumi2, Naohiko Anzai1
1. Chiba Univ., 2. Univ. Yamanashi

A sub-lethal ischemic episode (PC: preconditioning) protects neurons against a subsequent lethal ischemic injury. This phenomenon is known as ischemic tolerance. We previously showed that PC caused activation of astrocytes and a subsequent upregulation of P2X7 receptors, activation of which induced ischemic tolerance via upregulation of HIF-1α in astrocytes. P2X7 receptor requires much higher concentrations of extracellular ATP (eATP) for its activation. However, the PC-evoked increase in eATP is not enough to activate P2X7 receptor. It has been reported that NAD+ at lower eATP could induce sustained activation of P2X7 receptor via ADP-ribosyltransferase 2 (ARTC2)-catalyzed ADP-ribosylation in peripheral immune cells. Here, we show that astrocytes possess this signaling pathway, thereby leading to P2X7-mediated ischemic tolerance. In the in vitro experiments using primary astrocyte culture, we found that even lower eATP could activate P2X7 receptor and subsequent HIF-1α production if NAD+ is present, which was abolished by P2X7 receptor antagonist, suggesting that astrocytes should possess the NAD+/ARTC2/P2X7 signaling pathway and sensitize P2X7 receptor to ATP by these signals. In the in vivo experiments using a focal cerebral ischemia model of mice, we also found that PC activated the NAD+/ARTC2/P2X7 signaling pathway in astrocytes but not in microglia because of their lacking of ARTC2. Importantly, inhibition of ARTC2 with s+16a suppressed the astrocytic P2X7 receptor-mediated ischemic tolerance by PC. Taken together, the NAD+/ARTC2 signal should have a key role that allows astrocytes to induce P2X7 receptor/HIF-1α-mediated ischemic tolerance.
2020/9/12 9:20~9:40 Zoom B
Mechanism of astrocytic activation and its role in chronic itch

*白鳥 美穂1
1. 九州大学大学院薬学研究院
*Miho Shiratori-Hayashi1
1. Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyushu University

Chronic itch is an intractable symptom of inflammatory skin diseases, such as atopic and contact dermatitis, but the underlying mechanism is poorly understood. We previously demonstrated that STAT3-dependent reactive astrocytes and subsequent LCN2 increase in the spinal dorsal horn play a crucial role in spinal cord central sensitization of itch and progression of chronic itch associated with dermatitis. Recently, we found the mechanisms of astrocytic STAT3 activation via calcium signals caused by a primary afferent sensory neuron-derived factor under chronic itch conditions. In this presentation, I will show the mechanisms of astrocytic activation and its role in chronic itch.
2020/9/12 9:40~10:00 Zoom B
Exploring astrocyte GPCR signaling in neural circuits and animal behavior

*長井 淳1、Abha K Rajbhandari1、Mohitkumar R Gangwani1、Ayaka Hachisuka1、Giovanni Coppola1、Sotiris C Masmanidis1、Michael S Fanselow1、Baljit S Khakh1
1. カリフォルニア大学ロサンゼルス校
*Jun Nagai1, Abha K Rajbhandari1, Mohitkumar R Gangwani1, Ayaka Hachisuka1, Giovanni Coppola1, Sotiris C Masmanidis1, Michael S Fanselow1, Baljit S Khakh1
1. University of California, Los Angeles

A central goal in brain science is to understand how multiple types of brain cells dynamically interact with each other and how they contribute to nervous system function and dysfunction. Astrocytes tile the entire central nervous system and display structural and functional interplay with neurons, other glial cells and blood vessels with their myriad fine processes. However, the field lacks detailed understanding of how the interactions between astrocytes and neurons are consequential in health and disease. We will report the latest insights on astrocyte roles in the adult neural circuits, by using multiple integrated approaches, including calcium imaging, electrophysiology, optogenetics, pharmacogenetics, animal behavioral tests, RNA-seq and new astrocyte manipulation tools that we recently developed. We will first describe mechanisms by which neurons and astrocytes bi-directionally communicate in the striatum. We found striatal neurons triggered astrocyte signaling via Gi-coupled GABAB receptors, and that such astrocyte Gi-GPCR signaling resulted in overt behavioral alterations in mice consistent with hyperactivity and disrupted attention. The underlying mechanism involved synaptic plasticity mediated by re-activation of astrocyte developmental synaptogenic cue thrombospondin-1 (TSP1). In addition, we will report validation work for a new non-invasive and astrocyte-selective tool for attenuating astrocyte Gq-GPCR signaling in vivo. Taken together, our findings show that signaling from astrocytes to neurons is sufficient per se to alter synapses, circuits and behavior in adults. We also provide new tools to study such astrocyte-neuron dynamics.
2020/9/12 10:00~10:20 Zoom B
Chemico-genetic discovery of molecules underlying tripartite-synaptic function in vivo

*髙野 哲也1
1. 慶應義塾大学
*Tetsuya Takano1
1. Keio University

Neuronal synapses are intimately ensheathed by abundant astroctytic perisynaptic processes, which is critical for synapse formation and function. In contrast to well-studied neuronal synaptic compartments, however, the molecular mechanisms of how astrocytic perisynaptic structures govern neuronal synapses remain ill-defined. Here, we develop a new in vivo chemico-genetic approach, iBioID, to identify the molecules at astrocyte-synapse junctions in vivo. We identify more than 100 proteins enriched at astrocyte-neuronal junctions. We find novel adhesion molecules highly expressed in cortical astrocytes whose deletion dramatically reduces inhibitory synapse number and function. Thus, our results present a proteomic framework for how astrocytes interface with neurons. Moreover, they reveal a mechanism of how astrocytes orchestrate GABAergic synapse formation and function via a coordinated tripartite synaptic chemo-affinity code.
2020/9/12 10:20~10:40 Zoom B
Transcriptional mechanisms underlying stress-induced anhedonia-like behavioral symptoms

*谷口 誠1、Siemsen Benjamin1、Kumar Jaswinder 2、Carter Jordan 1、Pilling Sara1、Hughes Brandon1、Brace Emma1、Wood Isabel 1、Scofiled Michael1、Cowan Christopher1
*MAKOTO TANIGUCHI1, Benjamin Siemsen1, Jaswinder Kumar2, Jordan Carter1, Sara Pilling1, Brandon Hughes1, Emma Brace1, Isabel Wood1, Michael Scofiled1, Christopher Cowan1
1. MUSC, 2. UTSW

In susceptible individuals, the experience of stressful life events can suppress the future ability to experience pleasure, reduce motivation for reward pursuit. Deficits in the reward-related behavior, or anhedonia, is a key feature of the diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and is strongly associated with the predicted severity and persistence of the disorder. In patients suffering from stress-related mental illnesses and MDD, and in several preclinical animal models, there are enduring changes observed in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) activity and E/I synapse balance, and restoration of PFC E/I balance has anti-depressant effects. Several preclinical depression models have linked chronic pathological stress experiences with changes in mPFC gene expression, epigenetic modifications to DNA and histones, dysfunction of neuronal circuits, and persistent deficits in reward-related behaviors. Physical or emotional stress alters the expression of several transcription factors, including activity-dependent immediate early genes (IEGs). We recently found that the activity-regulated transcription factor, Neuronal PAS domain protein 4 (NPAS4), is transiently induced in the mPFC by stress. NPAS4 is reported to modulate excitatory and inhibitory synapses and synaptic transmission, and as such, is well-positioned to mediate stress-induced changes in neural circuitry and stress-regulated behavior. In this symposium, we discuss the role and regulation of mPFC NPAS4 in the chronic stress-induced changes in social, natural reward preference and motivation, and anxiety-like behaviors.