2021/10/1 9:00~10:00 ZOOM A会場
認知・社会性行動を支える前頭葉回路の発達原理(Principles of Prefrontal Cognitive and Social Circuit Maturation)
森下 博文

多くの精神疾患は発達期に発症し、前頭葉ならびに高次機能に異常を伴うことが知られていますが、前頭葉回路の発達機構は依然不明なままです。私共は、神経回路特異的な活動の計測・操作技術をげっ歯類に用いることで、発達過程の前頭葉では、1)興奮性―抑制性回路、ならびに2)局所―長距離投射回路のバランスがシフトすることで、社会性行動ならびに認知行動の確立を促すことを明らかにしました (Yamamuro et al 2020, Bicks et al 2020, Nabel et al 2020)。本講演では、これらの私共の研究結果を交えながら前頭葉神経回路の発達原理、ならびに発達障害や精神疾患の解明と克服への応用について考察できれば幸いです。

Impaired prefrontal cortical connectivity is increasingly identified in a host of neuropsychiatric disorders that coincides with a protracted developmental period. However, mechanisms driving circuit development for prefrontal cortex-dependent behaviors are poorly characterized due to their complexity compared to sensory cortical system supported by well-established critical period mechanisms (Morishita et al Science 2010). Our recent studies identified two key principles governing the maturation of prefrontal circuits: 1) “excitatory and inhibitory balance shift”(Yamamuro et al 2020, Bicks et al 2020), and 2) “local/long-range input balance shift” (Nabel et al 2020), which are essential for establishing proper social and cognitive behaviors in adulthood. Identified principles will provide a key framework for developing circuit-based cures of neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders.

・Yamamuro K, Bicks LK, Leventhal M, Im S, Kato D, Flanigan ME, Garkun Y, Norman KJ, Caro K, Sadahiro M, Kullander K, Akbarian S, Russo SJ, and Morishita H
A prefrontal–paraventricular thalamus circuit requires juvenile social experience to regulate adult sociability in mice.
Nature Neuroscience. 2020 Oct;23(10):1240-1252.

・Bicks LK, Yamamuro K, Flanigan ME, Kato D, Kim JM, Lucas EK, Koike H, Peng MS, Brady DM, Chandrasekaran S, Norman KJ, Smith M, Clem RL, Russo SJ, Akbarian S, and Morishita H
Prefrontal parvalbumin interneurons require juvenile social experience to establish adult social behavior.
Nature Communications 2020 Feb 21, 11, 1003

・Nabel E, Garkun Y, Koike H, Sadahiro M, Liang A, Norman KJ, Taccheri G, Demars M, Im S, Caro K, Lopez S, Bateh J, Hof PR, Clem RL, Morishita H
Adolescent frontal top-down neurons receive heightened local drive to establish adult attentional behavior in mice .
Nature Communications 7 Aug 2020. 11: 3983