7月8日(土) 13:50-14:50 Room F
Research towards an integrated understanding of brain macrophages

増田 隆博
Takahiro Masuda
Division of Molecular Neuroimmunology, Medical Institute of Bioregulation, Kyushu University

The central nervous system (CNS) host a variety of immune cells, which carry out various functions during not only development and homeostasis, but in disease conditions. Macrophages in the CNS comprise two anatomically distinct populations: microglia are located in the parenchyma, and CNS border-associated macrophages (CAMs) are found in CNS interfaces including the meninge, and perivascular space. Both populations contribute to a specialized and tightly regulated resident immune system in the CNS. Accumulating evidence has shown that microglia play a variety of biologically important roles—such as supporting neurogenesis, synaptic pruning, scavenging for dying cells in the CNS. In addition, the recent emergence of novel technologies, such as single-cell RNA sequencing and fate mapping, has enabled to study microglia and CAMs in depth. Here, I will discuss our current knowledge of the origins, kinetics, functions, transcriptomic profiles, heterogeneity of microglia and CAMs and how those macrophages regulate the CNS environment.