C. 感覚系と運動系
C. Sensory and Motor Systems
2022年6月30日 13:00~14:00 沖縄コンベンションセンター 展示棟 ポスター会場1
Influence of visual information to sound responsive neurons in the higher auditory region of free-moving zebra finch

*野口 姿奈(1)、岩﨑 萌恵(1)、院田 雅裕(1)、堀田 耕司(1)、岡 浩太郎(1)
1. 慶應義塾大学理工学部
*Shina Noguchi(1), Moemi Iwasaki(1), Masahiro Inda(1), Kohji Hotta(1), Kotaro Oka(1)
1. Science and Technology , Univ of Keio,Japan

Keyword: Songbird, Audition, Visual, Bioacoustics

Males of zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) sing to females, and females choose their partners based on the social context and quality of the song. This social context includes visual elements. Previous studies revealed, visual stimuli from courting males modulated the expression levels of immediate early genes triggered by songs in the female higher auditory cortex , NCM (caudomedial nidopallium) and CMM (caudomedial mesopallium) (Avey et. al., 2005). Other studies have shown that male zebra finches recognize temporal properties in visual stimuli (Takahachi et. al., 2005). However, it is not known what kind of visual information affect female avian auditory neurons. In this study, we investigated whether the visual information stimuli affect the auditory cortex of females.
 We constructed the experimental system to obtain neural responses under free moving conditions and recorded the neural responses in NCM during visual stimulation. We made a free moving recording system: electrodes attached on the skull on the bird for detecting the neural responses from NCM and they still allow free movement. We detected and analyzed the neural responses under restraint and free moving conditions from the same bird for evaluating the applicability of our free moving recording system. We also improved the bird cage to reduce the noise during recordings. To confirm the validity of our improved experimental devices, we tried to record the neural responses from auditory neurons in NCM during freely moving condition. We were able to detect neurons which strongly responded to sound stimuli, and these neurons were classified as ‘sound responsive’ neurons based on previously reported definition (Inda et. al., 2010). From these results, we concluded that our improved experimental devices were appropriated for recoding neural activities from free-moving birds. Furthermore, we analyzed these neural responses by Time Series Correlation (TSC) methods, and we also found that TSC in free-moving condition indicated different tendency to awake and restraint condition. Observations from each recording condition showed that birds in the restraint condition kept their eyes closed, while birds in the free-moving condition always moved around with their eyes open. Our analysis of TSC and the observation of eye opening and closing under experimental conditions suggested that visual information affects the response of the auditory nerve.
2022年6月30日 13:00~14:00 沖縄コンベンションセンター 展示棟 ポスター会場1
Behavioral assays to evaluate the effect of music on social bonding in rats

*大島 果林(1)、白松-磯口 知世(1)、高橋 宏知(1)
1. 東京大学大学院情報理工学系研究科知能機械情報学専攻
*Karin Oshima(1), Tomoyo I Shiramatsu(1), Hirokazu Takahashi(1)
1. Department of Mechano-informatics, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

Keyword: music, social behavior, synchronous movement, rat

Music is believed to play crucial roles to strengthen social bonding in human society. The neural mechanism music promotes social bonding has not yet been elucidated. The candidate mechanisms include music-induced synchronization such as dancing and clapping, and activation of the reward system. These mechanisms can be addressed in animal studies, which exclude profound impacts due to differences among cultures and individual life experiences in human studies. As we recently found that music induces beat synchronization in rats, we hypothesized that music promotes social bonding through inter-subject synchronization. Toward this end, the present study developed a behavioral assay to investigate whether music changed social preference in rats.
Eight male Wistar rats were used in the experiments. Each rat was able to interact with a specific subject for four weeks in either silence or music presentation. In the music presentation environments, Mozart’s Sonata for two pianos in D major(K.448) was played either in the original tempo or in the double tempo. The three-chamber test quantified the social preference as an approach time to the test subject before and after the music exposure.
Consequently, after the music exposure, pairs tested in music with the original tempo tended to exhibit higher preference than either those in music with the double tempo or those in silence. This result supports for the first time, to our knowledge, that music-induced synchronized movements among subjects may promote social bonding in animals.
2022年6月30日 13:00~14:00 沖縄コンベンションセンター 展示棟 ポスター会場1
The effect of emotional arousal on the predictive processing in auditory perception under uncertainty

*田中 太一朗(1)、長村 秀一(2)、村井 翔太(2)、大西 啓詩(2)、小林 耕太(2)
1. 同志社大学 生命医科学部、2. 同志社大学院 生命医科学研究科
*Taichirou Tanaka(1), Hidekazu Nagamura(2), Shouta Murai(2), Hiroshi Onishi(2), Kohta I Kobayashi(2)
1. Doshisha University, Faculty of Life and Medical Science, 2. Doshisha University, Graduate School of Life and Medical Science

Keyword: Auditory perception, Predictive coding, Emotional arousal, Hierarchical Gaussian Filter model

Perception is supported by predictive processing, and it has been reported that some sensory disorders could be associated with dysfunction of the predictive processes. It is well known that arousal level affects perceptual experiences but is unclear whether this effect is involved in the predictive processing. In addition, there are relatively few studies that have investigated the predictive processing of perception in auditory perception. In the present study, we investigated whether arousal level affects the predictive processing in auditory perception. Healthy participants were divided into two groups: high arousal and low arousal group. Each group was presented with either high arousal or low arousal images through the experiment. While background noise (1- or 8-Hz amplitude-modulated pink noise) used as a cue was presented, participants were asked to listen to a target stimulus (human voice or environmental sound) and quickly and accurately answer which target sound was played. The probabilistic relationship between the noise and the target stimulus varied blindly; therefore, the participants had to keep learning the uncertain environment to perform the task well. We employed a hierarchical Gaussian filter model to analyze participants’ learning rates on the probabilistic relationship between noise and target stimuli and its volatility. As a result, the model showed that participants’ learning about probabilistic relationships between the cue and the outcome was greater in the low arousal condition than in the high arousal but that there was no significant difference in participants’ estimates of how these relationships change (i.e., volatility) between these arousal conditions. These results suggest that arousal level affect the predictive processing of auditory perception.
2022年6月30日 13:00~14:00 沖縄コンベンションセンター 展示棟 ポスター会場1
Developing survey for clinical diagnostics of auditory processing disorder (APD) among Japanese

*櫻井 琴(1)
*Koto Sakurai(1)
1. Tokyo International Progressive School

Keyword: Auditory Processing Disorder

Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) APD is a symptom when the audio information inputted from the ears are not processed well, causing a state in which the patients could recognize the sound however no information such as announcements and conversations. The lack of understanding in APD making harder for people to reach APD diagnosis and there are no established support methods for APD to receive training and therapy in Japan. There are some places where these types of support that are available in the West although there are none in Japan. Lack of noticing such symptoms could bring negative causes because APD may be the major reason for spreading misunderstandings towards both the people surrounding the patients. Not only that, but a lack of self-understanding can also lead to low self-esteem. Even if a patient is diagnosed with APD, they will feel lost because there is no established support specialized to APD. I conducted a survey and a hearing test as the first step for my research into APD. Based on my self-understanding and knowledge of the characteristics of APD, and my experience of testing at the time of diagnosis, I designed a small-scale questionnaire and interview test and administered it to 39 people, including my relatives, people with Dyslexia, people with APD tendencies, and others who are healthy, organized information that contributes to the clinical diagnosis of APD. The survey could show how the patients view themselves in listening and the hearing test shows the hearing accuracy of the patients. Clarifying the difference between self-awareness in terms of listening and the actual listening ability has a direct connection for deepening the understanding of APD.
2022年6月30日 13:00~14:00 沖縄コンベンションセンター 展示棟 ポスター会場1
Functional identification of the mouse higher visual areas in the dorsal pathway

*松本 華佳(1)、村上 知成(1,2,3)、大木 研一(1,2,3)
1. 東京大院医統合生理、2. ニューロインテリジェンス国際研究機構、3. Beyond AI研究所
*Hanaka Matsumoto(1), Tomonari Murakami(1,2,3), Kenichi Ohki(1,2,3)
1. Dept Physiol, Univ of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 2. WPI-IRCN, Univ of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 3. Beyond AI Institute, Univ of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan


Mice have several higher visual areas (HVAs) in their visual cortex, and their areal borders have been identified by utilizing anatomical procedures and functional retinotopic mapping (Olavarria & Montero, 1989; Wang & Burkhalter, 2007; Garrett et al., 2014; Zhuang et al., 2017). However, the identification of HVAs, especially their dorsal part, has been controversial among anatomical and functional studies. For instance, triple tracer-injection into V1 revealed that the anterior HVAs were divided into rostrolateral (RL) and anterior (A) areas (Wang & Burkhalter, 2007), but in a study that adopted a functional retinotopic mapping approach, only RL was identified (Garret et al., 2014). We hypothesized that the anterior HVAs can be more clearly separated on a functional retinotopic map by using high temporal and low spatial frequency stimuli, since the anterior HVAs, including RL, are selective for moving visual stimuli (Marshel et al., 2011). Therefore, in this study, using stimuli preferred by the anterior HVAs, we investigated whether the anterior HVAs could be more clearly defined functionally.
We first performed wide-field calcium imaging of the visual cortex of adult mice (Thy1-GCaMP6s mice, about two months old). To elicit stronger responses from the anterior HVAs, we used drifting grating stimuli (temporal frequency = 4.0 Hz, spatial frequency = 0.02 cpd) presented at different locations in the visual field. Interestingly, a clear retinotopic map which was obtained by using the grating stimuli revealed that RL was divided into two regions, although RL has been considered to be one region based on the results of both anatomical and functional studies (Wang & Burkhalter, 2007; Zhuang et al., 2017). We defined the anterior part of RL as ‘RLa,’ and the posterior part of RL as ‘RLp.’ RL has multimodal functions to process not only visual but also whisker information (Olcese et al., 2013). Therefore, we next examined whether the defined areas, RLa and RLp, were functionally different in the multimodal processing. We stimulated the whiskers by a piezoelectric device or air puffs and found that RLa showed a higher response to whisker stimulation than RLp. This difference in response was also confirmed at cellular resolution using two-photon calcium imaging. These results suggest that RL is subdivided into two functionally different areas for integrating visual and somatosensory information.
2022年6月30日 13:00~14:00 沖縄コンベンションセンター 展示棟 ポスター会場1
Photoreceptive tissues and photoresponse in the adult of an invertebrate chordate Ciona intestinalis type A

*清水 大輔(1)、大川 奈菜子(1)、圓尾 綾菜(1)、市田 正夫(1)、日下部 岳広(1)
1. 甲南大学
*Daisuke Shimizu(1), Nanako Okawa(1), Ayana Maruo(1), Masao Ichida(1), Takehiro G. Kusakabe(1)
1. Konan University

Keyword: ascidian, photoreceptor

Tunicates, including ascidians, are the closest living relatives of vertebrates. The life history of ascidians consists of distinct larval and adult stages. The adult ascidians are sessile animals, bearing an extremely modified version of the chordate body plan with a simple nervous system. In contrast, the body plan of the free-swimming, tadpole-like larvae shares basic features with the body plan of vertebrates, including a CNS derived from a dorsal neural tube. The brain of the ascidian larva contains two sensory organs with a pigment cell: an eyespot (ocellus) and a gravity sense organ (otolith). Swimming behavior of the tadpole larva is controlled by photoreception and gravity sensing of these sensory organs. The ocellus contains ciliary photoreceptor cells, similar to those of the retina and the pineal organ of vertebrates. The photoreceptor cells uses a vertebrate-type visual pigment opsin as the photoreceptor molecule. Development and function of the ocellus of the ascidian larva have been elucidated in detail. In contrast, molecular and cellular mechanisms of photoreception in adult ascidians are still poorly understood. Three types of light-responsive behaviors have been described in the adult ascidians: siphon retraction, phototropism and gamete release (spawning). The pigmented spots around the siphon openers, the epithelial cells of the sperm duct and the cerebral ganglion have been suggested to be candidate photoreceptor organs underlying these behaviors. The siphon retraction triggered by flashlight in adults of the ascidian Ciona intestinalis was reported by Hecht about 100 years ago (Hecht, S., J. Gen. Physiol. 1, 147-166, 1918). He reported that the cerebral ganglion was the photoreceptor organ for this behavior. Since then, however, no further studies have been conducted on this photic response. In this study, we re-examined light-evoked siphon retraction in the adults of Ciona intestinalis type A (Ciona robusta) by using laser pointers. Siphon retraction was efficiently induced when a green laser (532 nm) was irradiated to the neural complex, including the cerebral ganglion and the neural gland, whereas it was not induced when a red laser (635 nm) was irradiated to the neural complex. Green laser irradiation to tissues other than the neural complex rarely induced siphon retraction. These results suggest that green-sensitive photoreceptors in the cerebral ganglion are responsible for the light-evoked siphon retraction in adult ascidians.
2022年6月30日 13:00~14:00 沖縄コンベンションセンター 展示棟 ポスター会場1
Synchronization of spiking activity of thalamic neurons converging onto a single cortical neuron increases rapidly in the initial part of response

*堀野 聡子(1)、松本 理沙(2)、田村 弘(2,3)
1. 大阪大学基礎工学部、2. 大阪大学大学院生命機能研究科、3. CiNet
*Satoko Horino(1), Risa Matsumoto(2), Hiroshi Tamura(2,3)
1. Sch Eng Sci, Osaka Univ, Osaka, Japan, 2. Grad Sch Front Biosci, Osaka Univ, Osaka, Japan, 3. CiNet, Osaka, Japan

Keyword: thalamocortical transmission, synaptic integration, Joint-PSTH analysis, rat

The activity of neurons in sensory cortices depends on thalamic inputs. Because a single thalamic spike induces a small depolarization in the postsynaptic cortical neuron, synaptic inputs should be summated to allow the membrane potential to reach the spiking threshold. Synaptic inputs can be summated temporally. If this is the case in thalamocortical synapses, high-frequency spiking activity of a thalamic neuron during the short period is associated with larger cortical activation than that of a single spike. However, the presence of feedforward inhibition (FFI) at thalamocortical synapses may not allow effective temporal summation of thalamic inputs by a cortical neuron. Thalamocortical relay neurons directly synapse onto inhibitory cortical neurons that inhibit cortical layer 4 neurons. Thus, FFI creates a short temporal window for synaptic integration and suppresses depolarization induced by the latter part of high-frequency spiking activity from thalamocortical relay neurons. Therefore, the high-frequency spiking activity of a thalamic neuron is not as effective as that expected from the simple temporal summation of excitatory synaptic inputs. If synchronized spiking activity across thalamic neurons occurs in the short temporal window, it circumvents the FFI and induces large depolarization in cortical neurons. The present study examined the temporal dynamics of synchronized activity of LGN neurons that were presumed to be thalamocortical neurons. The spiking activity of a thalamic neuron was extracellularly recorded from the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) with simultaneous recording from the visual cortex (VC) in urethane-anesthetized and head-restrained male Long-Evans rats. LGN neurons providing monosynaptic input to VC neurons were identified with cross-correlation analysis of their spike trains. If two or more LGN neurons are converged onto a single VC neuron and showed synchronized activity, time course of synchronization was examined with Joint-PSTH analysis. In some neuron pairs, we found that peak latency of synchronized activity was shorter than that of spiking responses of corresponding LGN neurons, suggesting the importance of synchronized activity on the thalamocortical transmission.
2022年6月30日 13:00~14:00 沖縄コンベンションセンター 展示棟 ポスター会場1
Transcriptomic and morphological analyses of the medaka retina deficient in UV-sensitive and longwave-sensitive cone-specific miRNAs

*小林 恵理佳(1)、福沢 悠介(1)、川上 泰治(1)、行者 蕗(1)、大道 裕(1)、横森 類(2)、鈴木 穣(3)、中井 謙太(2)、日下部 岳広(1)
1. 甲南大学大学院自然科学研究科、2. 東京大学医科学研究所、3. 東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科
*Erika Kobayashi(1), Yusuke Fukuzawa(1), Taichi Kawakami(1), Fuki Gyoja(1), Yutaka Yutaka(1), Rui Yokomori(2), Yutaka Suzuki(3), Kenta Nakai(2), Takehiro G. Kusakabe(1)
1. Grad Sch Nat Sci, Konan University, Kobe, Japan, 2. Inst Med Sci, Univ of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 3. Grad Sch Front Sci, Univ of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Japan

Keyword: medaka, photoreceptor, cone, miRNA

The vertebrate retina contains two types of photoreceptor cells, rods and cones, which use distinct types of opsins and phototransduction proteins. Cones can be further divided into four subtypes with differing wavelength sensitivity. The difference in wavelength sensitivity among cone subtypes is primarily due to specific opsin subtypes they possess: LWS (red), SWS1 (UV or violet), SWS2 (blue), and RH2 (green). Although photoreceptor development has been extensively studied in a variety of vertebrate species, the mechanism by which photoreceptor subtypes are established is still largely unknown. In an attempt to elucidate the mechanism of photoreceptor subtype specification, we have identified two microRNAs (miRNAs), miR-726 and miR-729, as candidate regulators for photoreceptor subtypes. The genes encoding miR-726 and miR-729 are located in the upstream region of cone opsin genes, LWS-A (long wave sensitive) and SWS1 (short wave sensitive), respectively, in a head-to-head orientation. These miRNA/cone opsin pairs are evolutionarily conserved between divergent vertebrate species, suggesting that they play important biological roles. Using medaka, we have shown that these miRNAs (ola-miR-726 and ola-miR-729) are co-expressed with respective opsin genes (LWS-A and SWS1) in a specific cone subtype by a common cis-regulatory module located in the shared upstream region. To investigate the role of these miRNAs in photoreceptor cells, we have generated knock-out (KO) lines of medaka using the CRISPR/Cas9 system. We compared transcriptomes, photoreceptor cell differentiation, and spatial distribution of photoreceptor subtypes in the retina between wild-type and miRNA KO fish. Expression of some genes encoding transcription factors that are known to control photoreceptor development were significantly increased or decreased in the miRNA KO fish. Aberrant spatial distribution of cone photoreceptor cells were observed in the miRNA KO retinae. For example, morphology and arrangement of UV-sensitive cones are abnormal in the miR-729 KO retina. These findings suggest that posttranscriptional regulation by a cone subtype-specific miRNA is important for development and/or maintenance of photoreceptor cells and other cell-types in the retina.
2022年6月30日 13:00~14:00 沖縄コンベンションセンター 展示棟 ポスター会場1
Functional analysis of a long-wave sensitive cone-specific enhancer by CRISPR/Cas9 genome-editing in medaka

*日下 尚美(1)、大西 雅也(1)、川上 泰治(1)、行者 蕗(1)、大道 裕(1)、横森 類(2)、鈴木 穣(3)、中井 謙太(2)、日下部 岳広(1)
1. 甲南大学大学院自然科学研究科、2. 東京大学医科学研究所、3. 東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科
*Naomi Kusaka(1), Masaya Oonishi(1), Taichi Kawakami(1), Fuki Gyoja(1), Yutaka Daido(1), Rui Yokomori(2), Yutaka Suzuki(3), Kenta Nakai(2), Takehiro G. Kusakabe(1)
1. Grad Sch Nat Sci, Konan University, Kobe, Japan, 2. Inst Med Sci, Univ of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 3. Grad Sch Front Sci, Univ of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Japan

Keyword: medaka, photoreceptor, transcriptional regulation, miRNA

In a vertebrate retina, there are two major types of photoreceptor cells, rods and cones, which use distinct types of opsins. Cones can be further divided into four subtypes with differing wavelength sensitivity. The difference in wavelength sensitivity among cone subtypes is primarily due to specific opsin subtypes they possess: LWS (red), SWS1 (UV or violet), SWS2 (blue), and RH2 (green). Cone opsin subtypes are responsible for color vision under photopic light conditions. Fish, lizards, and birds have tetrachromatic (four-color) vision with the full repertoire of cone opsins (LWS, SWS1, SWS2, and RH2). During vertebrate evolution, particular cone opsin subtypes have been lost in some lineages. For example, a nocturnal ancestor of mammals and snakes lost SWS2 and RH2 opsins. As a result, snakes and most mammals have eyes with dichromatic vision or color blindness. We previously reported that a miRNA, miR-726, is specifically expressed in long-wave-sensitive cones in medaka (Daido et al. Dev. Biol. 392: 117-129, 2014). miR-726 is highly conserved in fish, amphibians, reptiles, and birds, but it is absent in mammals and snakes, suggesting that miR-726 plays an important role in color vision. The gene encoding miR-726 is located upstream of the red-sensitive opsin gene LWS-A in a head-to-head orientation, and the miR-726/LWS pair is conserved between teleosts and tetrapods. Our previous experiments using transgenic reporters suggested that a common cis-regulatory module, LWS-CNR-A, in the shared upstream region between miR-726 and LWS-A genes act as an enhancer for both genes. However, because another red-sensitive opsin gene LWS-B and two blue-sensitive opsin genes SWS2-A and SWS2-B are also closely linked to LWS-CNR-A, it is still uncertain which genes are regulated by this enhancer. To investigate the role of LWS-CNR-A in transcription of miR-726 and LWS and SWS2 opsin genes, we have generated medaka strains in which the whole LWS-CNR-A sequence was deleted from the genome using the CRISPR/Cas9 system. We compared transcriptomes, photoreceptor cell differentiation, and spatial distribution of photoreceptor subtypes in the retina between wild-type and LWS-CNR-A-deletedfish. In the LWS-CNR-A-deleted retina, expression of miR-726 was not lost and transcripts of LWS-A, LWS-B,and SWS2-B opsin genes were significantly decreased. These results suggest that LWS-CNR-A act as a bi-directional enhancer for miR-726, LWS-A, LWS-B, and SWS2-B.
2022年6月30日 13:00~14:00 沖縄コンベンションセンター 展示棟 ポスター会場1
Macroscopic neuroglial imaging of cortex-wide activities induced by an intragastric glucose injection

*山田 芹華(1)、原田 一貴(2)、坪井 貴司(2)、毛内 拡(1)
1. お茶の水女子大学理学部生物学科、2. 東京大学広域科学専攻生命環境科学系
*Serika Yamada(1), Kazuki Harada(2), Takashi Tsuboi(2), Hiromu Monai(1)
1. Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Ochanomizu University, Tokyo 112-8610, Japan, 2. Department of Life Sciences, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo 153-8902, Japan

Keyword: Reward sensing, Gut to Brain, Gut sensing, Glia

It has been thought that brain senses glucose based on the increased plasma blood glucose levels and the released hormones (i.e., insulin, leptin etc), and the process of blood glucose sensing in the brain takes about minutes to hours after the glucose is absorbed from the small intestine. However, it has been speculated that brain senses glucose within seconds, because the sodium-glucose transporter 1 (SGLT1) on the small intestine, directly transmits glucose-sensing signals to afferent vagus nerve. This afferent vagus nerve signal induces reward perception for mouse because it activates dopamine neurons, and artificially stimulating vagus nerve changes food preference. Another study has been showed that vagus nerve stimulation from gut by using optogenetic tools induced food preference changes. Taken together, glucose-sensing in the gut could affect reward feelings and change food preference via vagus nerve activation. Although these studies mainly focus on neurons, not on astrocytes. Furthermore, it is still not known whether the glucose signal from gut is really transmitted to the brain in cortex levels. In the present, we examined whether the glucose injection into the small intestine could induce the activities of both neuron and astrocyte in the cerebral cortex in the short term.

To visualize the activities of both neuron and astrocyte, we used the transgenic mice that express Ca2+ sensor, G-CaMP7, under glutamate transporter 1 (GLT1) promotor. We inserted a catheter into stomach of mice and exposed the skull in advance. Placing mice under a stereo fluorescence microscope, we visualized the Ca2+ dynamic change in the cerebral cortex at a 10-Hz frame rate. Mice were anesthetized with isoflurane (0.8-1.0%) and 50 s after starting imaging, we injected 560mM D-glucose (0.14ml/g) to the gut via catheter. In consequence, we found the change in cortical Ca2+ dynamics within 30 s after intragastric injection of D-glucose. No dynamic change was observed when we injected water, not saline, to stomach via a catheter. We also injected SGLT1 inhibitor, phlorizin, 20 min before D-glucose intragastric injection, and we found no significant glucose-induced cortical Ca2+ dynamics change. Taken together, these data suggest that glucose absorption from gut induces the Ca2+ change at a cerebral cortex level.
2022年6月30日 13:00~14:00 沖縄コンベンションセンター 展示棟 ポスター会場1
Physiological function of the tactile-visual connection

*井上 澪(1)、橋本 明香里(1)、竹田 育子(1,2)、加藤 大輔(1)、和氣 弘明(1,2)
1. 名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科、2. 自然科学研究機構生理学研究所
*Mio Inoue(1), Akari Hashimoto(1), Ikuko Takeda(1,2), Daisuke Kato(1), Hiroaki Wake(1,2)
1. Grad Sch Med, Univ of Nagoya, Nagoya, Japan, 2. National Institute for Physiological Sciences, Okazaki, Japan

Keyword: tactile-visual connection, 2-photon microscope, in vivo imaging, multisensory integration

Multisensory integration, the neuronal process to combine different sensory modalities, is crucial to detect the changes in external environment. Previously, the direct interaction between sensory responsible cortices is known as one of the key pathways for this process. Moreover, functional MRI data showed this cortico-cortical connection also supports cross-modal plasticity, in which sensory deprivation triggers the recruitment of the other intact sensory modalities in the deprived-sensory cortex. Our previous study suggests that S1-V2 functional connectivity which is usually inhibited is relieved in visually deprived mice to increase the ability of whisker discrimination. However, it is still unclear what is the physiological significance of tactile-visual cortical connection and how that modulates our neuronal processes for sensory information. In this research, we try to unravel the physiological function of the tactile-visual connection, especially using the technique of in vivo imaging with 2-photon microscope. We first detected previous known cortico-cortical pathway, which projects from S1 (primary somatosensory cortex) to V2 (high-order visual cortices), using anterograde and retrograde labeling. Next, we selectively activated S1-V2 axons with DREADD (Designer Receptors Exclusively Activated by Designer Drugs) system, and visualized the activity of V2 neurons with Ca2imaging, which enabled us to analyze the effect of S1-V2 axonal excitation on V2 neuronal activity. We further studied the functional connectivity of S1-V2 in adult visual deprived mice to see what their functional significance. Our study will be an important clue to understand the mechanism of multisensory integration and might be possible to give a new insight on the pathology of its deficiency, such as seen in autism spectrum disorder.
2022年6月30日 13:00~14:00 沖縄コンベンションセンター 展示棟 ポスター会場1
脊髄性体動活動におけるGABA とGlycineの役割について
The role of GABA and Glycine in spinal body movement activity.

*髙坂 侑希(1)、桝谷 直子(1)、内田 千晶(1)、大岡 裕隆(1)、荒田 晶子(1)
1. 兵庫医科大学 生理学・生体機能部門
*Yuki Kosaka(1), Naoko Masutani(1), Chiaki Uchida(1), Hirotaka Ooka(1), Akiko Arata(1)
1. Dept. of Physiome,Hyogo College of Medicine

Keyword: spontaneous spinal activity, inhibitory neurotransmitter, development, body movement

It is known that autistic patients in childhood develop epileptic seizures, and it has also been clinically reported that reduced body movement increases the risk of autism. It has also been suggested that valproic acid administration may be related not only to epilepsy but also to autism. In this study, we investigated the differences between the inhibitory mechanisms of GABAA and Glycine using spontaneous spinal body movement activity induced by 5-HT administration. The data were recorded from the C4 and L4 ventral roots of 0-2-day old rat isolated brainstem-whole spinal cord preparations and recorded as respiratory and body movement activity, respectively. The respiratory rate was decreased when 5-HT was administered under GABAA antagonist bicuculline or the glycine antagonist strychnine. In terms of body movement activity, both bicuculline and strychnine itself increased the frequency of activity, but there was no significant difference in body movement activity between bicuculline and strychnine. However, the frequency of body movements significant increased when 5-HT was administered under inhibitory neurotransmitter antagonists (bicuculline or strychnine). However, there were significant differences in the types of body movement activities. Furthermore, application of 5-HT under bicuculline showed another periodic rhythm at L4. The amplitude of this L4 activity was reduced during development. While the body movement activity became more regular when 5-HT was perfused under strychnine. At birth, body movement activity was accompanied with respiratory activity, but in Postnatal 2-days, this conjunctive phenomenon declined. In whole spinal cord preparations, spinal neural circuits were highly excited at P0, but the excitability of spinal circuits decreased during the development. These results suggested that GABA stabilized a variety of spinal body movement activity, while glycine stabilizes spinal circuits by regulating the frequency of body movement activity; and the periodicalspontaneous spinal rhythmic activity produced by 5-HT under bicuculline might be leadto induce the juvenile myoclonus epilepsy.
2022年6月30日 13:00~14:00 沖縄コンベンションセンター 展示棟 ポスター会場1
High-throughput mapping of multi-synaptic functional pathways from the cerebrum to the cerebellar nucleus studied by Neuropixels and scan-optogenetics

*吉田 達見(1)、青木 秀平(1)、礒村 宜和(2)、平 理一郎(2)
1. 東京医科歯科大学医学部、2. 東京医科歯科大学大学院医歯学総合研究科
*Tatsumi Yoshida(1), Shuhei Aoki(1), Yoshikazu Isomura(2), Riichiro Hira(2)
1. Faculty of Medicine, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan, 2. Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan

Keyword: Cerebro-cerebellar connection, Cerebellar nuclei

The cerebellar nuclei transmit excitatory signals to the cerebrum via the thalamus, which has recently been shown to have an essential function in maintaining sustained activity not only during movement execution but also during its preparation. It is also known anatomically that cerebral activity is transmitted to the cerebellar nuclei via the pons, inferior olive, and Purkinje cells, constituting a cerebro-cerebellar association. However, it is not known whether this multisynaptic pathway is an excitatory or inhibitory loop, or whether it transmits information in a complex pattern. Here, we used scanning optogenetics and Neuropixels (high-density probes) to investigate how spatiotemporal activity patterns in the cerebrum affect firing activity in the cerebellar nucleus. Neuropixels were inserted through the left Crus1 or Crus2 and positioned to penetrate the cerebellar nuclei of awake head-fixed ChR2 transgenic rats. The skull of the right hemisphere was thinned or removed and optically stimulated by focusing a 450 nm blue laser onto the cerebral surface using a custom-made scanning optical system. Stimulation was performed at 50-ms or 100-ms intervals in a 32 × 32 grid covering an area of 10 mm × 10 mm, including the entire dorsal frontal and parietal cortices of the right hemisphere. By comparing the location of Neuropixels identified by DiI fluorescence after fixation with the correlation structure of the LFP response of each channel, we identified electrode locations that were successfully recorded in the cerebellar nuclei and cerebellar layers. Then, we classified the activity into putative cerebellar nuclei cells (pCN), putative Purkinje cells (pPC), and putative mossy fibers (pMF), based on the location, temporal activity pattern, spike rate, latency, and spike width. Analysis of the preliminary results showed that the latency of pMF activity was the fastest, followed by excitation of pPC and inhibition of pCN almost simultaneously. The area of cortical regions affecting the firing rate was found to vary by cell type. Our study may shed light on the roles of the cerebro-cerebellar association which is essential for the movement preparation.
2022年6月30日 13:00~14:00 沖縄コンベンションセンター 展示棟 ポスター会場1
Single-cell reconstruction of cholinergic projection from nucleus basalis of Meynert

*有馬 洋道(1,2,3)、岡本 和樹(2,3)、高橋 慧(2,3,4)、小池 正人(3)、日置 寛之(2,3)
1. 順天堂大学医学部、2. 順天堂大学医学部医学研究科 脳回路形態学、3. 順天堂大学医学部医学研究科 神経機能構造学、4. 京都大学大学院医学研究科 神経生物学
*Hiromichi Arima(1,2,3), Kazuki Okamoto(2,3), Megumu Takahashi(2,3,4), Masato Koike(3), Hiroyuki Hioki(2,3)
1. Juntendo Univ Fac Med, Tokyo, Japan, 2. Dept Neuroanat, Juntendo Univ Grad Sch Med, Tokyo, Japan, 3. Dept Cell Biol Neurosci, Juntendo Univ Grad Sch Med, Tokyo, Japan, 4. Dept Neurosci, Grad Sch Med, Kyoto Univ, Kyoto, Japan

Keyword: Basal Forebrain, Cholinergic system, Single-cell axon

Cholinergic projections from the basal forebrain to the cerebral cortex are known to modulate some brain functions such as arousal, salience, and learning (Everitt & Robbins, 1997). The loss of these projections relates to Alzheimer’s diseases and other neurodegenerative malfunctions (Auld et al., 2002). While it is well known about their functional roles, their morphological and topological features have been less investigated. It was believed that the majority of cholinergic release sites are non-synaptic and provide diffuse volume transmission, similar to other modulatory neurotransmitters (Dani & Bertrand, 2007); however, recent studies implied that the cholinergic projections have topological selectivity, which arborizations were spatially separated in each cortical region (Zaborszky et al., 2015; Kim et al., 2016). Thus, the cholinergic projections may have a strict rule in selecting the target area. Yet most studies deal with the aggregation of the axons, and the information of a single-cell axon is still lacking. To scrutinize the selectivity of cholinergic projection, we aim to analyze the topology of cholinergic axon arborization from the nucleus basalis of Meynert in the single-cell level. We visualize cholinergic axons sparsely by injecting Cre-dependent, adeno-associated virus expressing membrane-targeted palmitoylation site-attached green fluorescent protein (palGFP, Sohn et al., 2007) into the nucleus basalis of Meynert in ChAT-Cre transgenic mice, which express Cre recombinase in cholinergic neurons. Then, we observe axon projection through the whole brain using tissue clearing method, ScaleS (Hama et al., 2015), and high-throughput three-dimensional reconstruction (Xu et al., 2021). We detect the axon blanching and en passant synapses to find whether it targets single or multiple areas in the cerebral cortex. Our approach will reveal the topological selectivity of the cholinergic projection and the impact of single cholinergic cell activity.
2022年6月30日 13:00~14:00 沖縄コンベンションセンター 展示棟 ポスター会場1
Making a habit of intentional chewing enhances chewing-related prefrontal activity

*宮崎 透奈(1)、竹原 遼(1)、鈴木 達也(1)、嶋田 総太郎(4)、長谷川 陽子(2)、吉村 将悟(2)、サンタマリア マリアテリース(2)、堀 一浩(2)、山村 健介(3)、小野 高裕(2)、小野 弓絵(4)
1. 明治大学大学院理工学研究科電気電子工学専攻、2. 新潟大学大学院・医歯学総合研究科包括歯科補綴学分野、3. 新潟大学大学院・医歯学総合研究科口腔生理学、4. 明治大学・理工学部電気電子生命学科
*Yukina Miyazaki(1), Ryo Takehara(1), Tatsuya Suzuki(1), Sotaro Shimada(4), Yoko Hasegawa(2), Shogo Yoshimura(2), Sta. Maria M(2), Kazuhiro Hori(2), Kensuke Yamamura(3), Takahiro Ono(2), Yumie Ono(4)
1. Electrical Engineering Program, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Meiji University, 2. Division of Comprehensive Prosthodontics, Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, 3. Division of Oral Physiology, Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, 4. Department of Electronics and Bioinformatics, School of Science and Technology, Meiji University

Keyword: brain activity during chewing, fNIRS

Maintaining masticatory function is important not only for preventing malnutrition and frailty but also for maintaining brain functions. In this study, we investigated how habitual intentional chewing during meals in daily life affects chewing behavior itself and brain activity during chewing. Forty-one healthy young adults were divided into two groups. Participants in the intervention group (n=20) were encouraged to increase the number of chewing during mealtime by using a wearable device (Bitescan, SHARP corporation) for one month. Those in the control group (n=21) continued their usual eating style for the same period. The number of chewing strokes during intake of a rice ball (100g) was measured before and after the intervention periods in both groups to confirm the effect of the intervention. We also measured the cortical activity during chewing of a tasteless and odorless gum base using the functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) to measure the changes in brain activity during chewing. The number of chewing rhythm (1.2 Hz) and chewing side were controlled throughout the fNIRS measurements. The number of chewing strokes during rice ball intake was significantly increased in the intervention group but not in the control group, suggesting that the proposed intervention effectively developed a habit to chew more on the food. Although the control group showed a decreased activity in most of the cortical regions during gum chewing at the post-intervention, such alternation was not prominent in the intervention group. A two-way, repeated-measures ANOVA showed the significant interaction between the time and group factors in the bilateral supplementary motor area and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC; uncorrected p<0.05). The decreased cortical activity at the second scan could be the habituation effect of repeated chewing tasks under fNIRS measurement. The preserved prefrontal activity in the intervention group could be derived from the intentional chewing, the behavior of which the participants trained. Our results demonstrated the feasibility of Bitescan to change the food intake behavior as well as the cortical representation of chewing behavior. The augmented activity in the DLPFC during chewing is especially important because of its regulatory role in cognitive function.
2022年6月30日 13:00~14:00 沖縄コンベンションセンター 展示棟 ポスター会場1
一致タイミング課題における複数の事前分布の学び分け: 運動効果器特異性への腕交差の影響
Effects of arm crossing on motor-effector specificity for the acquisition of multiple prior distributions in a human coincidence timing task

*嶋田 直樹(1)、松村 圭貴(2)、佐藤 良(2)、James Heron(3)、Neil Roach(4)、宮崎 真(1,2)
1. 静岡大学情報学部、2. 静岡大学大学院総合科学技術研究科、3. ブラッドフォード大学検眼・視覚科学部、4. ノッティンガム大学心理学部
*Naoki Shimada(1), Yoshiki Matsumura(2), Ryo Sato(2), James Heron(3), Neil W. Roach(4), Makoto Miyazaki(1,2)
1. Fac Informatics, Shizuoka Univ, Hamamatsu, Japan, 2. Grad Sch Integrated Sci & Tech, Shizuoka Univ, Hamamatsu, Japan, 3. Sch of Optometry and Vision Sci, Univ of Bradford, Bradford, United Kingdom, 4. Sch of Psychology, Univ of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom

Keyword: Timing, Bayesian estimation, Prior, Arm crossing

The brain optimizes the performance of sensorimotor tasks by acquiring a prior distribution of tasks, which it integrates with sensory inputs. Using a coincidence timing task, we recently found that two different prior distributions can be simultaneously acquired when they are assigned to two different motor effectors, namely, the right and left hands (motor-effector specificity). In the present study, we investigated the effects of arm crossing on motor-effector specificity for the acquisition of multiple prior distributions. In our experiments, three sequential visual stimuli (S1, S2, and S3) were presented on the right or left side of the fixation point. Participants pressed a key such that its onset coincided with the onset of S3 based on the time intervals between S1 and S2 (target intervals). Each participant performed 640 trials (40 trials/set × 16 sets) of the task. Target intervals were sampled from short-time (424–988 ms, mean: 706 ms) or long-time (1129–1694 ms, mean: 1412 ms) prior distributions. Each of the two priors (short/long) was assigned to one of the two stimulus locations (right/left). The participants performed the task while crossing their arms. Accordingly, when stimuli appeared on the right/left side, participants pressed the right/left key using their left/right hand, respectively. After 160 trials of learning, participants’ timing estimates were biased to the means of the short-time and long-time priors, respectively, which was similar to the results under the condition without arm crossing (Matsumura et al. FENS2020). However, the means of their timing estimates for the short-time prior (760–790 ms on average across the participants) were significantly longer than the actual mean of the short-time prior (706 ms) throughout the entire set, which was not found in the experiment without arm crossing. These results suggest that although the two priors were acquired even while crossing the arms, the arm crossing triggered cross talk in the acquisition of the means of the priors in such a manner that the long-time prior interfered with the short-time prior.
2022年6月30日 13:00~14:00 沖縄コンベンションセンター 展示棟 ポスター会場1
Modulation of TRPA1 and TRPV1 on respiratory rhythm at the pons in isolated brainstem-spinal cord preparation from neonatal rat

*桝谷 直子(1)、高坂 侑希(1)、辻村 拓也(1)、垂水 千紘(1)、荒田 晶子(1)
1. 兵庫医科大学 生理学・生体機能部門
*Naoko Masutani(1), Yuki Kousaka(1), Takuya Tsujimura(1), Chihiro Tarumi(1), Akiko Arata(1)
1. Dept. of Physiome , Hyogo College of Medicine

Keyword: pons, neonatal rat, TRPV1, TRPA1

TRPA1 and TRPV1 which are the thermo-sensory TRP channels are known to be activated by the endogenous factors which not only raises acute pain, but also participates in inflammation on the primary afferent. TRPA1 and TRPV1 are mainly expressed in myelinated A-delta and unmyelinated C fibers of peripheral nerves, and is found in axons of spinal nerves, vagus nerves, and trigeminal nerves. However, the relationship between respiratory rhythm and nociception in the pons level has not been well investigated. We examined the effects of TRPA1 and TRPV1 on respiratory rhythm in the parabrachial nucleus (PBN) which is known as the conjunctive system of nociception and as the inspiratory-expiratory phase switching system. In this study, we examined the effects of TRPA1 and TRPV1 on respiratory rhythm in the pons-medulla-spinal cord preparation isolated from postnatal 0-2 days-old-rats and compared with medulla-spinal cord preparation. Respiratory activity was recorded from cervical fourth (C4) ventral nerve root. TRPA1 channel receptor agonist inhibited respiratory rhythm and decreased respiratory activity (shorter amplitude). TRPV1 agonist facilitated respiratory rhythm. These effects were shown the with pons preparation, but not the without preparation. In addition, we examined the distribution of optical signals in the pons triggered by C8 dorsal cervical root stimulation as noxious stimulation. We found the optical signals in the dorsal pons (probably PBN). Moreover, we investigated whether the inhibition inducing by TRPA1 were involvement of the GABAergic inhibition in the PBN or not. Since the respiratory inhibition was blocked by the GABAA antagonist bicuculline, we hypothesized that TRPA1 is mediated by the GABAergic inhibitory system in the PBN and may have a descending inhibition in response to nociception. These results suggested that TRPA1 and TRPV1 regulated respiratory rhythm with opposite effects; the analgesic effect by TRPA1 for respiration might be modulated using PBN inhibitory system.
2022年6月30日 13:00~14:00 沖縄コンベンションセンター 展示棟 ポスター会場1
A study of motor training methods to improve the efficiency of stroke neurorehabilitation

*小川 紗也香(2)、中禮 周(2)、小野 弓絵(1)
1. 明治大学理工学部、2. 明治大学院理工学研究科
*Sayaka Ogawa(2), Amane Churei(2), Yumie Ono(1)
1. School of Science and Engineering , Meiji University, 2. Graduate School of Science and Engineering , Meiji University

Keyword: brain-machine interface, neurorehabilitation, event-related desynchronization

The electroencephalogram(EEG)-based brain-machine interface(BMI) has been widely investigated as a neurorehabilitation method paralyzed limbs. Most BMI systems for motor neurorehabilitation uses event-related desynchronization (ERD), which is a ratio of suppressed mu-band oscillatory activity of the motor cortex upon motor intention, execution, or observation, as an index of the recovery of controllability of efferent motor commands. However stroke patients have difficulty to maintaining stable resting-state mu-band activity, which may underestimate ERD strength and cause inappropriate neurofeedback during BMI rehabilitation. This study aimed to improve the efficiency of rehabilitation by accurately evaluating the ERD strength by providing a motor imagery cue when the mu-band power at rest is kept larger than a predetermined threshold for a certain period. Provided with the motor imagery cue depending on their mu-band strength, the patients could train to maintain their motor oscillatory activity and their best effortful motor imagery activity could be appropriately evaluated. We developed an Android-based neurofeedback application to visualize the mu-band power and investigated whether the users could regulate their mu-band power and evoke robust ERD responses with the motor cue in 13 healthy young adults. At the beginning of the experiment, the mu-band power at rest was measured for 130 s, and 20-40% of the mean mu-band power at rest was set as the threshold power value for motor execution cue in the subsequent experiments. During the experiment, a motor execution cue was generated when the mu-band power was maintaining higher than the threshold value for consequent 2 s. Participants alternately performed 3 motor execution tasks (dorsiflexion of the right wrist) and 4 resting tasks, each for 3 minutes. The number of trigger occurrences tended to increase throughout the seven tasks, suggesting that the mu-band power activity can be consciously maintained at rest through training. The ERD strength during the motor execution tasks was significantly higher than the ERD strength calculated at rest, and intentional exercise recall detected a clearly different and larger ERD than when no recall was used. Future studies would incorporate this proposed training method into the stroke neurorehabilitation program to investigate its usefulness in improving the efficiency of motor function recovery.
2022年6月30日 13:00~14:00 沖縄コンベンションセンター 展示棟 ポスター会場1
Evaluating effects of short time intervals on motion sickness in a motorcycle simulator

*山脇 ユミ(1)、林 真光(2)、板口 典弘(3)、三木 将行(4)、木村 哲也(4)、宮崎 真(1,2)
1. 静岡大学情報学部、2. 静岡大学大学院総合科学技術研究科、3. 慶應義塾大学心理学専攻、4. ヤマハ発動機株式会社
*Yumi Julyana Yamawaki(1), Masami Hayashi(2), Yoshihiro Itaguchi(3), Masayuki Miki(4), Tetsuya Kimura(4), Makoto Miyazaki(1,2)
1. 1.Faculty of Informatics, Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu, Japan, 2. 2.Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology, Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu, Japan, 3. 3.Department of Psychology, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan, 4. 4.YAMAHA MOTOR Co.,Ltd., Iwata, Japan


Driving simulators enable to safely evaluate or train the behavior of drivers under various virtual conditions. However, driving simulators often cause motion sickness (simulator sickness). To utilize the simulators effectively, it is imperative to prevent simulator sickness. In this study, we focused on “adaptation” as a method to reduce simulator sickness. In previous studies, simulator sickness was reduced by repetitive experience of the simulators with intervals of one day or more. If the adaptation can be induced by shorter time intervals, we can effectively reduce simulator sickness. In our experiments, we tested whether adaptation can be induced by inserting time intervals of six minutes (Experiment 1) and one hour (Experiment 2) between the two experiences of a motorcycle simulator. The participants (twenty for each experiment) sat on the chassis of a motorcycle and twice watched a six-minute motorcycle driving scene on a winding road from a first-person perspective using a head-mounted display. A time interval of six minutes or one hour was inserted between the first and second driving scenes. The participants took rest during the time intervals by sitting on a chair. During the experiments, the participants verbally reported the degree of simulator sickness every 30 seconds on a scale of 0 (no sickness) to 20 (frank sickness) (Fast Motion Sickness Scale, FMS). In Experiment 1, the FMS scores during the second driving scene were not lower but rather higher when compared to the first, suggesting that a six-minute interval was too short to induce adaptation. However, in Experiment 2, the FMS scores during the second driving scene were significantly lower than the first. These results indicate that the one-hour interval is a sufficient period to induce adaptation to the driving scene and reduce simulator sickness. We discuss a possible mechanism behind our results by applying the consolidation theory for sensorimotor learning to multisensory learning.